Indirectly, the Danish prime minister, Mette Frederiksen (S) now to help the U.s. president Donald Trump, who is standing in the middle of his life’s political crisis.

In this weekend’s edition of the popular komedieprogram Saturday Night Live appeared actor Heidi Gardner as the teenage version of the Danish prime minister, who, together with her Norwegian colleague threw long glances after the class with the cool boys in the school canteen.

‘The cool boys’ is bl.a. Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron and Boris Johnson. The outsider, as ‘the cool kids’ now have at their table is none other than Donald Trump, played by Alec Baldwin.

“in the Midst of his life’s political crisis has Donald Trump on his show had a fantastic week. Now, it is in fact him being portrayed as a victim surrounded by thugs who are sunk even deeper than he himself.”

so writes the Washington Post in an op-ed piece.

Here refers to the newspaper first and foremost to last week’s scandal, where the bl.a. Macron, Trudeau and Johnson was secretly filmed while they having a reception at Buckingham Palace got a good laugh at Donald Trumps behalf.

Subsequently remarked Donald Trump, he of course was disappointed with the politicians, which he regarded as his friends. However, the president stressed the bl.a., Justin Trudeau was still a ‘nice guy’.

The Danish prime minister has not even had any active role in the Buckingham Palace scandal. On the contrary, had Mette Frederiksen and Donald Trump a fruitful meeting during last week’s Nato summit in London.

But the result of the turbulent week anyway, that the roles are reversed a little bit about.

“We never thought that it would have to be Donald Trump, who took the morally sound way. While the respected leaders such as Macron and Trudeau behave unworthily,” says MSNBC host Chris Matthews on his show ‘Hardball’.

And the French and the canadian leader was not the only one who in the last week behaved unusually.

When Trump thus accused his democratic opponent, Nancy Pelosi, to be ‘nervous’, shot the otherwise balanced Pelosi again: “When he says, I’m nervous, is it because he is nervous”.

Trump said that he did not believe that Nancy Pelosi really pray to God to help Trump and his family, said Pelosi excitedly:

“When Trump says, I do not ask, then is it because HE does not pray.”

“This here is mind-boggling. It sounds more like a kindergarten than The White House,” noted tv host Joe Scarborough on MSNBC.

But the pre-school or not, so continue the case against Donald Trump, who is accused of abusing its power for their own personal benefit, since in July he (allegedly) threatened to withhold militærhjælp to Ukraine, if not the country’s new president took political dirt on the Trumps 2020-opponent Joe Biden.

Monday will continue the interrogations in the democratic-controlled legal committee in congress in Washington D. C.

Before christmas, it is expected that the House of Representatives will give the green light for an impeachment, in which case the latter will start after the new year.

Rigsretssagen to be decided in the u.s. senate, where the Trumps own party, the Republicans, have the majority.

And so expect most people to præsideten will be found guilty.