Repatriation is done as a part of Turkey’s efforts to repatriate most of the 1200 foreign IS-fighters.

Turkey sends 11 French ICE-warriors back to France. It enlightens the Turkish foreign ministry on Monday.

– 11 French nationals have been sent to their country of origin, says in a statement.

the Repatriation is done as a part of Turkey’s ongoing efforts to repatriate most of the 1200 foreign members of the Islamic State (IS), who is in custody in Turkey.

The French nationals can expect to come to court when they land in France. It is the normal procedure in the country.

Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has previously said that the ICE warriors no longer is Turkey’s responsibility.

– For those stuck on the border, is not our problem, he said in mid-november, according to The Guardian.

Turkey’s returns included the Danish citizen Ahmed Salem el-Haj, who was sent to Denmark 11. november. Further two Danish nationals are to be issued.
