on Monday passed a volcano on the popular tourist destination of White Island in New Zealand suddenly in the outbreak – and one of the last who had stayed on the island, Michael Schade.

On Twitter, he writes, that together with his family had been on the island a short time before the outbreak started.

“My family and I took away from the island 20 minutes before we waited for our boat to sail away, when we saw it,” writes Michael Schade, who on Twitter states that he lives in San Francisco.

“Our boat ride home, where we took care of the people, was indescribable,” he writes on, like he has shared more videos from the island.

at Least five people are dead, after the volcano on White Island, which lies about 50 kilometers from the east coast of New Zealand’s north island, erupted.

in Addition, the lack of a yet unknown number of people on the island.

In a statement police in New Zealand, fewer than 50 people are believed to have been present on the island when the outbreak started.

On Twitter writes Michael Schade on the boat, he found himself in, total other people up who had been on the island.

“It is so hard to believe. The whole of our tourist stood quite literally at the edge of the crater not more than 30 minutes before. My thoughts go out to the families of those still missing, to the people who receive treatment, and to the rescue workers,” he writes.

the Volcano went after several weeks of rumblings erupted on Monday afternoon shortly after two o’clock local time.

In november raised the the authorities the alert level for an outbreak on the White Island for the two, because researchers had observed the increasing volumes of sulphur dioxide – a principal indicator of rising magma deep inside the volcano. On Monday afternoon the alert level was raised to four, which is the second-highest step on the scale, writes the New Zealand Herald.