
It was Alexander Zornigers very special management style, which eventually ended up costing him his job as head coach in Brøndby.

It revealed Jan Bech Andersen on Monday night in the program ‘Offside’.

More specifically explained Brøndbys chairman of the board, that he would go for much compromise with his own leadership style, if he were to have stuck in the German coach.

“If you can’t make more of themselves, and one feels that one goes for much compromise with his own way to lead people, it ends up a bad place anyway,” said Brøndby-boss, among others, for TV3 Sport.

In intetviewet come Jan Bech Andersen also commented on how much he continues to keep of the Zorniger.

The German coach was fired back in February of this year after two and a half years in the job.

Here he was, among other things, to provide the club its first title in ten years, because in 2018 won pokalfinalen.