Civil and liberal langer hard out after the socialists, which would not require Joseph Muscat’s departure now.

Malta’s prime minister must resign immediately.

It requires a large number of europarlamentarikere, as in Strasbourg on Tuesday to debate the killing of the maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.

the Socialists in the European Parliament is not, however, prepared to demand that prime minister Joseph Muscat, which is linked to the socialist family in the EU, withdraws immediately.

– There is one thing that shocks me to the core. It is S&D’s position. It is shameful for such a party. I urge you to take distance from the partivennen Muscat, says Ralf Seekatz from the civic group, the EPP.

Muscat said 1. december, that he will withdraw when there is found a new leader for his party in the middle of January.

It does not satisfy the parliamentarians, who think that he should be gone, so that he cannot influence the investigation. Galizias family suspect that the government covers the guilty.

the Case also has threads for a musician, and one of Muscat’s nearest have been held in connection with the investigation.

A socialist member of the EUROPEAN Parliament, Alfred Sant, who was head of government in Malta in the 1990s, will not support the claim.

– There is a need for reforms, says Sant.

But the report, which the EU Parliament will vote on Wednesday, is a mix of “results and claims”, says the Sant, who says that it paints a too black picture of Malta.

– The culprit must of course be held liable. But it is too early to make a judgment, says the socialist maltese.

In October 2017, the journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia killed with a car bomb. She was known for writing about corruption, among other things, in the government.

Particularly the EPP, but also the liberal group Renew Europe, lashing out at the social democrats.

– What keeps the socialists from clear to support this proposal? It is quite unworthy of the EU, that we can not require that he withdraws immediately. What would we not say, if it had occurred in a country outside of the european UNION. And in that case, would the socialists be quite encouraging, says Karoline Edtstadler from the EPP.

on Monday sent the UNION’s retskommissær, Didier Reynders, in a letter to the government of Malta to provide a further impetus in the investigation.
