Feminize, eurosceptic, climate and shelter are four of the 14 words that the Spanish Royal Academy (RAE) has been chosen as the that define or serve to explain the 2019 ends. The expressions selected are not neologisms that have appeared in the previous 12 months, as outlined by the director of the institution, Santiago Muñoz Machado. They are, instead, “words stable” vocabulary in Spanish.


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The selection of words was developed during the last month, although the work of collection and analysis are made throughout the year. In the work took part the teams of Lexicography and Communication of the Royal Academy, with the permanent coordination of the direction and its members.

According to the institution, the choice of these terms, and compound shapes is based on the most frequent questions that are made in the Dictionary of the Spanish language —in which are all the terms chosen—. Also in the questions and comments that users formulate to the services provided by the RAE, such as social networks, and the voices that present a abundant use.

Sources of the agency explained that the selection of the words is not due to a vision the Spanish language, but that took into account the totality of Spanish-speaking countries. In addition, it was felt that the voices of progress, confidence and choices are fully related to the majority of nations that have Spanish as a dominant language.

Each word chosen is accompanied by a brief explanation that the SAR justifies your choice, always based on events or situations that have marked this year. These are the voices that have defined 2019:

Progress. scientific Advances, medical studies hopeful about cancer or alzheimer, astronomical discoveries, implementation of renewable energies, reduction of the hole of the ozone layer, more technology, arrival of 5G. is Sport. Wins epic thanks to the efforts of their protagonists, as the Spanish selection of basketball of male and female, Egan Bernal, Rafael Nadal, Simone Bottlenecks, among others. is Feminize. social Movement of feminism and the push for equality, improvements for women in arab countries, the European Commission elects its first woman president, worldwide protests to end violence against women, sisterhood. is Constitution. Validity and relevance of the Magna Carta as a set of rights, duties and freedoms in a framework that allows the coexistence. is Confidence. The uncertainty, the politics, the corruption, the Brexit, etc, put to test the confidence of the citizen in the institutions that traditionally take care of and protect rights and freedoms. is Reception. immigration and refugees continue to be front-page news by the economic inequalities between countries and international conflicts. is the Welfare State. Remains the maximum guarantor of equal opportunities: concern for the future maintains this term among the most sought and claimed, 2019. is Elections. Have been several electoral processes in Spanish-speaking countries throughout the year, given the fragmentation of current policy, a reflection of a changing society and with sensitivity to increasingly different. is artificial Intelligence. The process of technological advancement is unstoppable and it is necessary to adapt the whole of society to not lose the train of progress. The machines occupy an increasingly important place in the life of the people. is School. The Pisa Report reveals shortcomings in education: training continues to be key to be free and have access to opportunities. is Weather. By the relevance of ecology, the celebration in Madrid of the Climate Summit, the fires in the Amazon, the disaster of the mar Menor, the declaration of a Weather Emergency on the part of the EU etc Eurosceptic. After years of prosperity under the framework of the European Union, some countries and their citizens put in question the integration of the Old Continent, with the Brexit as the tip of the iceberg. is self-Determination. The crisis in Catalonia continues to leave this term as one of the most important in the year that said goodbye. is Triumph. Of the society in its efforts to continue generating progress, whether from research, culture, work, or sport, or as a social event by making a more just world: social activism, demonstrations of solidarity, commitment, etc