Telecommunications, health and employment support in the rural area mark the measures “Spain empty” in the agreement governing PSOE and United we Can presented this Monday. The text picks up the glove of the rising demands of the Spain that are not bathed by the sea, except Madrid, which lost a quarter of a million inhabitants between 2008 and 2018. More than 1,300 municipalities do not reach the 100 inhabitants.

The complaints of the Spanish depopulated point to the uneven deployment of broadband and voice coverage and mobile data, which hampers its economic development. One of the more concrete measures of the agreement of Government guaranteed access to broadband of at least 30 megabits per second, and the coverage for 3G mobile telephony in the whole of Spain. The spread of broadband was already part of the National Strategy in front of the Demographic Challenge, filed last march, that arose from the Conference of Presidents of January 2017, but for 90% of the territory of less than 5,000 inhabitants.

to Ensure the State of well-being in the areas that suffer from depopulation also has a response in the new strategy. In Health, the agreement guarantees access to health care at home when there is a health centre in the population. It also sets out a commitment to ensure that all populations, regardless of their size, have public transportation to your header region.


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Many small and medium sized municipalities lament having lost in the last few decades the headquarters of the Civil Guard. the National Strategy has already included this aspect. Now, PSOE and UP undertake to retrieve the number of troops of the State security forces lost in the previous Government, of the PP.

The agreement provides for the establishment of specialized offices in the depopulation in “at least 20 rural counties” that require “urgent intervention”. These entities will provide support to the entrepreneurship, training and assistance to women in the rural environment, with a specific line of support to the entrepreneurs. Depopulation in small municipalities is widespread, but it affects much more to the female population.

A National Rural Development Plan will boost infrastructure and fund the priority production sectors. In agriculture, the PSOE, and UP want to enhance the shared ownership of farms and to address the ageing of the workforce in the field. Although Spain is a country increasingly old media, the problem of eagerness more unpopulated areas.