The agreement between PSOE and United we Can provides for passing one of the great claims of the current attorney general of the State, María José Segarra, who since he took office has defended the deletion of article 324 of the Criminal procedure Law, which sets time limits for pre-trial proceedings. This provision was introduced by the Government of Mariano Rajoy when it held an absolute majority in the Congress and was harassed by numerous cases of corruption —many of which, even colean in the courts—.

According to the document that rubricarán the two left-wing forces, to which has had access to THE COUNTRY, this article implies “a limitation to the fight against corruption”. In the same line have already been pronounced earlier by the associations of judges and prosecutors, who have also called for the repeal of this article “to avoid impunity, without doubt, will cause the file of the listed causes”. In fact, the State Attorney General’s office produced an internal report last April where it stressed that the 324 had “generated a remarkable legal uncertainty” and “caused noticeable problems in its practical application”.

In addition, as noted then, the public ministry, the damage to the “image” of justice that are causing situations like that of Pedro Antonio Sánchez (PP), former president of Murcia, who was acquitted in the case, Catwalks after the Provincial Audience of Murcia decided to shelve the issue because the statement was not made statement to the investigation in the first six months provided for in this article of the Law of Criminal procedure. A decision that the Prosecutor’s office believes that gives rise to a “kind of general amnesty”.


The arrangements for the investiture of Pedro Sanchez, the last time in direct PSOE and We will be raising taxes on the rich and go beyond what is foreseen in the labour reform Sánchez and Churches presented this evening by his government program

This reform is not the only one that affects the judiciary. As stated in the document sealing between PSOE and United we Can, the two formations are committed to recover the universal justice —trimmed also by the PP during his last absolute majority—; reform the Constitution to limit the aforamientos politicians, “limiting them to the exercise of the function by the part of the public office”; to elaborate a National Plan against Corruption where it is considering a reform of the Penal Code; and take forward a comprehensive law against corruption, which will establish a Status of the complainant, where “will be included as mitigating in function of the offence and the circumstances of the complaint”.

Judicial Reform

in Addition, the two parties “shall promote” agreements parliamentarians of consensus that allow to renew the General Council of the Judiciary, which carries a year in office. This consensus gives rise to that, if added to the popular —as the socialists already did last year, it could proceed rapidly to the replacement of the current members of this body.

The text seal between PSOE and United we Can also agree to “modernize the system of access to the judicial career”. “To do this, we inspire the best elements of the european systems of unique race court and prosecutor, providing mechanisms that guarantee the equality of opportunities irrespective of sex and socio-economic situation of the applicants”, stresses the document, which also proposes to adopt a new law of citizen security to end the dubbed the gag law. “This new legislation will be based on a progressive approach” and “ensure the exercise of the right of freedom of expression and peaceful assembly”.