In English

Chinese mafia suspected of hiring Spanish thieves for a heist in the French palace

to Steal in the chinese museum of the chateau of Fontainebleau, south of Paris, had a price of six figures. The group of the mafia china was going to pay 800,000 euros to the band that he headed up the alunicero madrid-born Juan María Gordillo Square, alias The Boy John, for that sustrajeran for them various pieces of porcelain from the collection of asian art that is cherished by the empress Eugenia de Montijo, the Spanish wife of Napoleon III, as detailed in THE COUNTRY to police sources. In particular, a part of vases, pots and other objects that contained one of the showcases of the exhibition whose photograph was found in the possession of the criminals Spanish. Police sources suspect that The Boy John and the rest of his group also planned to steal other parts, which then would try to sell in Spain through peristas chinese to increase the profit of the theft.


The mafia china commissioned the alunicero English, ‘The Boy John’ the theft at the château de Fontainebleau Five spaniards arrested in France for planning a robbery in the castle of Fontainebleau

in order To perpetrate the coup, the famous alunicero had been made to accompany two other criminals well known to the Spanish police, Juan Carlos Quintero and Gabriel Spears, aka The American, specialists both in the vehicle theft and the realization of butrones (holes in walls and doors to enter to steal). The other two components of the group, identified as Óscar Andreu and Juan Carlos Herranz, had a secondary role. The mission of both was to acquire in shops the dark clothing and the material of ironwork that they needed to perpetrate the assault. All of them were arrested by the French police in the early hours of last December 28, next to a chinese national identified as Hu, Shouyang, 45 years old, that are not registered in police records in Spain or in France. This is considered by researchers the alleged mafia link china with the Spanish group. He took care of paying the five spaniards with your credit card, all your expenses, from the accommodation to the acquisition of the material and the tickets to visit the museum that they were going to steal, and I shared a hotel with the group.

For perpetrating the coup, the famous alunicero had been made to accompany two other criminals well known to the Spanish police

The research has been to disrupt the theft started in Spain, to get information to the specialists on the organized crime of the National Police that a known criminal Spanish had received the order to assault, in exchange of a high amount of money, a museum in France dedicated to the chinese art, although then not yet known what was in concrete. This information was brought to the attention of the French police, and marked the beginning of Operation Bamboo. The follow-up to this individual, that to move using a vehicle on behalf of a company, allowed to locate in a first moment to a second member of the group, which travelled aboard a car to France. There, they met with three other individuals who were ultimately identified as criminals Spanish. In total, they all add up to more than 120 police records for all sorts of crimes. For several days, the five, pretending not to know each other, they stayed in the town of Nemours, south of Paris, at only 17.5 kilometers from the castle of Fontainebleau. First, in the Hotel Ibis. Later, in the F1, where on the 26th of December, just two days before the chosen date for the theft, The Boy John held a meeting with three chinese citizens, among them Shouyang, according to detailed police sources.

The police investigation suggests that the band plan was to rob the museum night, a time that would have closed its doors to the public. To do this, the members of the group were going to dress with black clothes they had just bought in a famous supermarket of sportswear in the area and would carry picks, axes, material cutting and screwdrivers that had been acquired for it. The point chosen for access to the interior was a wooden door of the castle that had a lattice and that gave access directly to the rooms of the museum. Once inside, the goal was several objects that appeared marked in the photograph wearing one of the showcases of the exhibition and that they had located on the previous visit that at least one member of the group had made to the museum. To get to the place and subsequently to run away, the group had stolen a car Mercedes A-Class and a Renault Espace using advanced technology. “They had not left anything to chance,” explains the chief inspector of the Brigade of Heritage of the National Police, Fernando Porcel.

In total, they all add up to more than 120 police records for all sorts of crimes

Finally, in the early hours of 28 December, the day allegedly chosen by the band to commit the theft, the French police arrested the offenders, Spanish and chinese citizen in the hotel and car park. Close to one in the morning two persons were arrested in Spanish. Shortly after, he was arrested the supposed link with the mafia, who had paid the expenses of the group. And at six in the morning they were captured the other three spaniards. The six detainees remain in prison, and the French justice accuses them of “participation in criminal association with a view to preparing a crime”, as well as by “theft and receiving stolen property in organized band”. Two other chinese citizens that were detected in the preparatory meetings of the assault, and travelling in an off road vehicle with Italian licence, could not be located and remain at large.