thousands of Zurich, sixth-graders have been cramming in the sports holiday for the entrance exam to the long-time high school, crash courses, exam simulations denied. It was a Stress. And the child, there is a trial period and a Gymi, whose workload is beyond a that of a regular 100%-time Jobs to follow.

Not everywhere in Switzerland, there is the long-time high school, and also for the short-term gymnasium different recording conditions with and without the test. Therefore, even the highest level of educational researchers of Switzerland, Stefan Wolter has been quoted – an ardent supporter of the strict limitation of the Guts upper secondary education for the Swiss youth (the Interview) – already a decade ago, with the opinion: Be a child at the school entrance examination, only just failed, could be a change in another Canton or in neighbouring countries makes sense.

The Reform is at a standstill

The differences in fuelling such educational tourism, especially in view of the requirements on the international labour market. That needs to be done in the education landscape, something that seems clear to all. What, however,: Because of the ghosts.

the Canton of Zurich has been tried recently on a Reform of its recording rules. Against this was promptly appealed, the reason is concealed. This year’s goal is, therefore, under the old rules. The for years thought the anonymity of the exams, in turn, would actually increase the chance of justice, postpones it because of the technical and financial burden more and more.

With all the qualities of the local system: Perhaps you should schräubeln, instead of obsessively in the entrance examination around a set of beliefs on its truth content tapping.

6 beliefs about Gymi

1: The entrance examination provides the necessary selection
the fact is: In the inner-Swiss cantons of Zug, Lucerne, Uri, Nidwalden, Obwalden and in the Western Switzerland in the Jura it going without a check. Nevertheless, the matriculation rates are low, mostly lower than the 20 percent in Zurich. At the same time, the success rate at the bachelor’s degree in some of these cantons is disproportionately high, for example, in the Nidwaldnern or the Luzernern. One of the lowest drop-out rates, the Canton of Jura has – and this at a high level of maturity rate of between 22 and 24 percent.

2: The graduates rate due to study drop-out rate
the fact is that Between academic success and high school students rate of a connection is limited. Also, the Association of Swiss secondary school teacher holds the interior and a secondary school teacher, based on a study of the Federal office for statistics. Interesting about a comparison of the half-cantons of Appenzell Ausserrhoden and Innerrhoden, is: 2016, the AI had a matriculation rate of approximately 16%, AR of about 19 percent; both have an entrance examination. AR is the top of the academic success of his pupils, however, break out between 11 and 14 percent of intra-rhodener (Swiss average: 11 %). The students of Basel-country high schools, in turn – step examination, the matriculation rate is around 23 per cent above the cut – proof that It goes well with more a-levels and without an examination. The success rate for the Canton of Zurich is just under 86 per cent for Basel-Landschaft, over 91 percent. Tend to have large cities with a heterogeneous population such as Geneva, with more and more mobile families, Expats and also the underprivileged social classes, higher drop-out rates than homogeneous places with more family-high schools-leaving certificate, the leaving the Shot of the family only in the direction of Uni, if you know exactly what you want. It asks: What exactly is the study drop-out rate proves?

a study at the economic University of St. Gallen a lot of dreams. Photo: Keystone

3: Our dual System is super-permeable
it is a fact Of the Zurich Sekschülern, the entrance examination to the Kurzzeitgymi, there is around one Fifth of the sample time; among the long-time high school students, only” about 10 percent out of the fly “in the trial period. The Transition from secondary school to Kurzzeitgymi is difficult, the way Berufsmaturität and even to the end of the Passerelle demanding, time-consuming and expensive: The dual System has a number of stumbling blocks.

4: Gymiprüfung and high school in Zurich language-heavy
the fact is: the entrance examination for the Long-term school English and mathematics to the same Parts, as well as the short-time-gymnasium (additional French exam there is eliminated soon). The long-time high school Latin may be after 2 years, unchecked, in the short-term gymnasium, it is not mandatory. However, all the natural Sciences – biology, physics and chemistry as well as mathematics in the gymnasium Maturnote a flow, a dismissal is impossible. The student chooses no language profile, it must he so in the final 4 school years, only three language subjects to cope with (English, German, French), but always four stem subjects. The typical out of the compartment during the trial period, the mathematics is throw it – especially when switching from the secondary school to the Kurzzeitgymi. Also that, especially in the Canton of Zurich, only a fraction of the students for a stem subject as a main subject decides on a school to think differently than, for example, in testing the Canton of Zug, should give. Perhaps more high school students feel less Stress and motivierenderem lessons the “hard” subjects? The mathematics examination at the Maturexamen self-fail by the way in Switzerland almost half of the Matura. If the already over the years, sifted students can’t make the math test en mass, it may be difficult to reach the students: The stem education needs to be in detention.

5: The German Abitur is inferior
the fact is: In reading and in science, the German students in the Pisa Test of 2019 had the nose in front. The youth unemployment rate in Switzerland is higher than that of the neighbors, the dual System is more permeable. For years, there will be a rain school transport from Switzerland to the German high schools, but not Vice versa (German school-leaving exam ratio: 40 %). Some of the Expats quit their work here to give their children a stress-free, kindgemässeres and opportunity-rich school life (for examples, read here). And German high school graduates are, for example, the “Assessment level”, the tough first year at the Elite University for Economics, Law and social Sciences in St. Gallen, in the relationship significantly more often than the holder of a CH-Matura.

6: In the Mint subjects have to the Gymi University level
the fact is that The universities need to bring the heterogeneous student body already in the first year on a tie, and select kidney this, in turn, known to be merciless. To kaprizieren instead of on the Gymnasium, on the specialization and the pressure of universities to give in to, you should remember rather to the humanistic ideal of education. Maturity and self-employment, General education, and value education are the target.

Created: 01.03.2020, 13:22 PM