The Invisible Man

Horror, Leigh Whannell, USA 2020; 125 min.

The friend of Cecilia (Elisabeth Moss) is a brilliant and rich scientist (Oliver Jackson-Cohen), but also a brutal tyrant. She flees before him, and dives under. Then your Ex suicide commits. However, Cecilia can’t believe that he would kill himself. And soon you will feel by an unseen figure pursues.

Like the last time “The Mummy” with Tom Cruise, this Film is the remake of a Universal horror classic from the ‘ 30s. This time the story is told from the perspective of the invisible man, but from the point of view of his victim. A clever Turn of, the potential Director Leigh exploits Whannell full. (ggs)

Abaton, Arena, Capitol,

The Invisible Man: Horror by Leigh Whannell. Video: YouTube/Universal Pictures Switzerland


Biopic of Boris Lojkine, F 2019; 90 min.

The young photo journalist Camille Lepage (Nina Meurisse) wants to shake up with your pictures from the civil war in the Central African Republic, the world public. In an Effort, as close as possible to the people, she is increasingly caught between the fronts.

it is also close to the French Director Boris Lojkine it remains his heroine. Despite the Fictionalization of the story of the Ex-documentary filmmaker creates a direct and authentic-looking impression of the events that led 2014 to the death of the Frenchwoman. In Locarno, the Film won the audience. (jum)

art house Movie

Camille: Biopic of Boris Lojkine. Video: YouTube/trigon -film

The County

Drama was directed by Grímur Hákonarson, Isl 2019; 92 min

After the accidental death of her husband, a farmer, Inga (Arndís Hrönn Egilsdóttir) is forced to run the farm with lots of cows alone. She takes on the tasks, without grumbling much. But as the men of the Cooperative to make life difficult, of course, always under the pretext of the help to instigate a little Rebellion.

The Director of the oblique sheep movie “Rams” presents another story from the farming Island. The characters and the narrative are, in this case, but much more pragmatic. “The County” is lacking something in the originality, which makes the Icelandic films in General, so special. But the great theatre actress Arndís Hrönn Egilsdóttir as a farmer does a lot of things up. (ml)


The County: the Drama was directed by Grímur Hákonarson. Video: YouTube/Xenix Film

The Gentlemen

a Comedy by Guy Ritchie, USA/GB 2019; 104 min.

The American wholesale dealer Mickey (Matthew McConaughey ) in England to great success with his underground Cannabis plantations, but also, and increasingly, problems with mighty jealous people. To do this, the private investigator Fletcher (Hugh Grant), is stalking Mickey everywhere, to be able to blackmail him comes.

What Hugh can Grant anything if he doesn’t have to play the eternal boy, he shows in this fast-paced Comedy as a snide Opportunist who also performs as a narrator for the Film. The cast is excellent, the dialogue flies fast and sharp, the plot will surprise you with several Twists, in one sentence: This Film, in which almost only criminals occur, has a high entertainment value. (jmb)

Abaton, Corso, Metropolitan, Riffraff

The Gentlemen: a Comedy by Guy Ritchie. Video: YouTube/Ascot elite

Just Mercy

By Destin Daniel Cretton, USA, 2019; 137 min.

in 1989 came the young lawyer Bryan Stevenson (Michael B. Jordan) to Alabama. On one of his most famous Walter McMillian (Jamie Foxx), has been filmed as a black scapegoat for an unsolved murder six years innocent on death row, sass – he wrote a Bestseller, the Destin Daniel Cretton (“The Glass Castle”) is now client.

this is a bit too long and straight-edged justice is Rescued drama, especially from Jamie Foxx and his intense game: His McMillian is an impotent Hero in a racism-soaked America, in the 30 years after Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” not much has changed. (SZ)

the Arena, the Capitol, the cosmos

Just Mercy: By Destin Daniel Cretton. Video: YouTube/warnerbros joke country

Playing with Fire – Chaos at the fire station

Comedy of Andy Fickman, USA, 2019; 96 min.

As a so-called smoke jumpers, a beefcake (John Cena) from helicopters can be there directly abseiling, where it is really dangerous. He and his colleagues are after a use, but unexpectedly to overwhelmed babysitters of three siblings – the guard is the head. But eventually, even the heart of the hardness is of course the most firefighter soft. Around it there is a lot of Action to see, is constantly burning something, the jokes, the necessary spark to ignite. In the cinema, only the German synchronized version. (SZ)

Abaton, Arena

Playing with Fire: Comedy by Andy Fickman. Video: YouTube/Praesens – Film

From the role

a documentary by Verena Endtner, CH 2020; 88 min.

When couples become parents, it comes to restructuring, the family management: Who is responsible for the income? Who’s for the young? In her documentary the from Berne Verena Endtner accompanies three couples with a rather unusual family of models; in two of which the woman is mainly employed. What is the role Of the shows, is nothing world-shattering.

it is Precisely this ordinariness, however, is the Spectacular: because issues of equality are negotiated very specifically. Who mows the lawn? Who can reduce his workload easier? Who receives more praise if he goes with the child on the Playground? Endtner shows unexcited, that each of the models has its pitfalls, but also his permission.(reg)


the role: a documentary by Verena Endtner. Video: YouTube/ALOCO Bern

Created: 26.02.2020, 14:32 PM