I’m going to retire in two weeks. Of friends and work colleagues, I’m asked all the more urgent to Hobbies, the world, or pilgrims, travelling, new activities. You are always a little disappointed if nothing Further comes to mind, as to bake the chocolate cake from Ottolenghi. It is problematic, without big plans in retirement?
H. J.

Dear J.

I know exactly what you want to hear from me, and I can tell you (without adjustment), namely, that I to your Plan a plan-free Nachpensionierungszeit support without reservation.

If you were on a world tour and cooking classes in the Yurt, I’d be also okay with that, and you are likely to pull with my blessing in the distance. The point is not so that you do Not intend, in principle, other plans for retirement is preferable. (As long as no one used the word “UN-retired” because I the war of the word-namely, pimples.) The point is only that the chocolate cake you like, of all the possibilities best.

it’s that simple: You have nothing after his Retirement, a fortiori, you need to nothing. This is to be the highlight of the Whole: in terms of work from now on free to. Who in the light of this idea of a “horror vacui” packs, the popular fill the new-found freedom again with Grandchildren, I guess, or to sort his stamps in alphabetical order, and his books according to colour; with an annual cruise on the Mediterranean sea, with long walks or short One-Night-Stands – quite like it.

There is no reason to celebrate the end of the professional obligations by entering into new obligations.

There is no moral obligation to feel active the boredom and into the Nirvana of doing nothing to immerse is. Nor is there any good reason to celebrate the end of the professional obligations by entering into new obligations. It’s like when cell phone use: You may not whatsappen, phone or tweet to prescribe without, therefore, the “digital detox”. You can also do it simply because you don’t feel like.

If one is then in a rather unpleasant way boring, you can make phone calls too quiet again, whatsappen, or tweet, without the need to refer to yourself as a “relapse”. Maybe the one or the other, you could do, the cycle, the Hypothalamus or the joints is good; maybe a but this is completely no matter. So terribly radical as it may sounds: What do you do after your Retirement, you must determine all alone.

The psychoanalyst Peter Schneider answered every Wednesday questions in the philosophy of everyday life. Send us your questions to gesellschaft@tagesanzeiger.ch

04.03.2020, 10:46 PM
