renovate facades, roof-ground dams, an eco-friendly Wärmepunpe install – energy-efficiency renovations can easily cost several ten thousand euros. The advantages: With good insulation, you can push your Heating costs by up to 80 percent. Moreover, the living comfort is improved and your house is increasing in value.

funding pot one: energy, eliminate wasteful

Because many of the owners own resources, to loans and grants from the state development Bank KfW to help. Supported all measures for more energy efficiency. Individual projects, such as the roof insulation, the state promotes with a maximum of 10,000 Euro. For the installation of a fuel cell, there are 28.200 euros. A maximum of KfW donated up to 48,000 euros for each apartment. The maximum amount and only receives, who achieved the best energy standard (KfW-energy-efficiency house 55). In addition, the grant may cover no more than 40 percent of the eligible costs. If you want to achieve maximum promotion, you must spend a minimum of 120,000 euros, of which 72,000 euros out of his own pocket. Important: Is the amount of the grant under 300 euros, there is no KfW-money – your investment should be at least 3000 Euro. dpa/Nestor Bachmann/dpa-tmn is The energy-efficient refurbishment of older buildings also pays off tax.

The KfW promotes not only the Material and craft costs but also expenses for consulting, planning, measurements and other preparatory measures. If you want to replace your old heater, you can also combine programmes of KfW and of the Federal office of Economics and export control (Bafa). Thus, the energy-efficient renovation is successful, the KfW, that builders will include an energy efficiency expert in the planning. The experts confirmed that the planned measures in accordance with the rules of the KfW are eligible. After that, you can make the application. Because of the higher expenses for planning and consultation, the development Bank assumes 50 percent of these costs up to 4000 euros.

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funding pot two: Age-appropriate

rebuild If you eliminate with the tag hurdles for the elderly or the disabled, you can apply for support through the state development Bank. The apartment is the KfW-financed costs of up to € 50,000. Alternatively, you can also choose a grant that you, in contrast to the credit not have to pay back. He is between EUR 1,500 and EUR 6,250 for each apartment, however, only covers part of the cost. If you remove barriers, it is, for example, only 10 percent of the eligible costs up to a maximum of 5,000 euros. For the action itself, you will have to spend 50.000 euros, in order to receive the maximum grant.

be Encouraged, for example:

  • the paths to the buildings and the living environment measures
  • the entrance area and apartment access
  • Overcoming stairs and steps
  • space allocation and threshold degradation
  • tag and/or actions in the bathroom and sanitary rooms
  • orientation, communication and support in everyday life
  • community Multi-generational-Living
  • tag to the “default Age-appropriate home” dpa/Friso Gentsch For the elderly, it is in the larger cities is often difficult to find a minor age-appropriate housing at reasonable prices.

funding pot three: house safer

the broken Windows, ransacked cabinets, stolen jewelry, a burglary often leads only to physical damage, he can also be conditioned for the Affected trauma. The government has established with the KfW for a grant program for funding measures that increase the burglary protection.

Five areas can be distinguished:

  • installation of video cameras, intercoms and spies
  • Installation of alarm systems inside and outside
  • lighting of Windows and doors to eliminate dark zones
  • backup Windows, Balcony and terrace doors
  • installation of burglary-resistant apartment doors or Retrofitting existing doors

For an alarm system, Installing motion detectors, or more stable window, the house owner can apply for the KfW, a low-interest loan of up to € 50,000. Alternatively, it is possible to opt for a direct grant up to a maximum of 1,600 euros. But you must spend at least 500 euros, in order to receive the Bonus. This is staggered in addition to the first € 1,000 for the burglary protection the KfW is involved with 20 percent. Other eligible costs are funded with 10 percent. You want to reach full funding, you need to invest 15,000 euros in the in-house security. The promotion also applies to tenants. Tip: Connect with the owner of a modernisation contract. Reuters/Alexander Heinl manufacturer must specify, among other things, as long as you deploy security Updates.

Who is not supported?

anyone Who has already begun such a course, or completed, may not eligible to apply more in the case of the KfW. Also hopeless is the attempt to want to the existing loans to refinance is. By the help of the state, holiday homes and apartments and weekend houses or areas used for commercial purposes are also excluded. In addition to funding from the Federal government and the KfW, there are also a number of regional funding programs – for example, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein.

Also interesting: you can Finally feel safe: With these smart devices, they say, burglars to fight

funding pot four: clean-up costs for tax purposes discontinuation

in order To further incentives to save energy, to create, the government has decided new tax depreciation opportunities. Who inhabits their property themselves, this can be a Bonus since 1. January 2020 for energy-efficient renovation measures, as applicable. The tax rebate will be granted to cover for Work, for thermal insulation of walls, roofs and basement. The state bought the promotion even if the owner of the house Windows, doors, ventilation and heating to renew equipment or to replace it.

The tax office recognizes 20 percent of the rehabilitation of 200,000 Euro as a deduction – a maximum of so 40,000 euros. The support is granted as a direct deduction from the tax debt and to three years. So taxpayers can cash in regardless of your tax rate the same level of promotion. This is especially important for homeowners with middle-income for the benefit of the Bonus. imago images / penofoto

place of residence does not have to in Germany

the tax rebate is, However, subject to certain conditions: the Customer must live in the building itself, a specialist company to perform the Work, and these are the minimum technical requirements of energy-saving regulation. In addition, it is necessary that the object is at the time of construction more than ten years. And: The Builder must take all measures in the period 1. January 2020 at the latest until 31. December 2029 carried out. By the way, your object does not need to be in Germany, it can also be located in another EU or EEA member state.

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consulting services: Details with experts to clarify

a house to renovate energetically, are Use many of the cost-to clarify questions in advance. You inform yourself, for example, in the consumer centre of North Rhine-Westphalia ( For advice on energy-efficient, you’ll be able to turn on a energy consultant. Information and applications to the funding programs of the KfW ( and BAFA ( you can find on the Internet. Important: All applications must be made before the action is filed. And as far as possible in the spring: The longer you wait, the greater the risk that the funding pot for this year is already empty. “Who holds the money, is the Stupid”: expert warns of Entwertungs-wave FOCUS Online, “Who holds the money, is the Stupid”: expert warns of Entwertungs-wave
