End of Ramadan: The sugar on the 23. May

the end of The fasting month of Ramadan is a big celebration.

  • In the month of Ramadan a three-day Festival, which is called closes to sugar or “Id”. 2020, the sugar festival starts on the 23. May.

  • This three-day fast-breaking is dedicated to the family. Relatives come to visit, it is much eaten, and for children there are gifts and as the Name of the Festival suggests, many sweets to Snack on. Due to the Corona-crisis large gatherings could be this year, however, more difficult.

  • Muslims congratulate each other for the sugar festival, the “to Id” .

  • The sugar feast is also called the Ramadan feast, in Arabic, “Idul Fitr” . In Turkey the Feast of “Ramazan Bayramı means”.

Ramadan: What does the month of fasting for Muslims

Ramadan and the sugar back to go on the Basis of Islam:

The confession of faith, the five daily prayers, which are of charity towards others, fasting during Ramadan, and the pilgrimage to Mecca are the five pillars of Islam. This is to fulfill every Muslim.

The month of Ramadan is the fourth of the five pillars of Islam:

  • purpose of fasting during Ramadan, the strengthening the God-consciousness . In addition, it is to teach believers self-discipline and control.

  • A further aspect of Ramadan-fasting is that empathy for the needy . The donations during Ramadan, the advent among Muslims is particularly high. The month of fasting has to do, indirectly, with the third pillar of Islam, the charity compared to the others.

  • of The month falls on a period of time and lasts for 29 or 30 days. He is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. It is calculated not according to the Gregorian calendar, but according to the lunar calendar . The lunar year is shorter than the solar year. As a result, the Ramadan moves every year, a few days after the front.

the month of Ramadan: The Faith and Religion, writes in Muslims in front of

For the month of Ramadan there are strict and well-defined rules, to the believers, Muslims also hold.

  • In time between sunrise and sunset of the believer a Muslim may not eat or drink. He can really take nothing out of it.

  • , the fasting in Ramadan, however, is not only renunciation of food and fluid intake. It comes to abstinence, in many areas, . So the believer should not have, in the prescribed time, for example, sex or Smoking.

  • In Ramadan is to cultivate devout Muslims-friendly handling, is to Argue a thing that should be avoided during the fasting period. Negative thoughts are absence, they should provide peaceful Coexistence Lord.

  • eat and drink early in the morning, before the sun rises. The next meal or the next drink may only be re-taken after sunset to. This nightly almost is breaking “Iftar” is called.

  • It is extensively fed in the large circle. To complete the meal with a prayer.

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Ramadan: Who must fast and who’s not

As lent is, for Christians, Islam also exceptions to who must comply with the fasting month of Ramadan.

  • In the Ramadan fasting to all the healthy Muslims , who have the necessary maturity to do so. This is according to the Islam from the age of puberty.

  • Exempt from the obligation to Fast the old and the sick Muslims are . Also, do not need to keep pregnant and lactating women to the law of fasting. Also women during Menstruation are excluded.

  • Is a Muslim on a journey, he does not have to comply with the Ramadan also. Who is not exempt due to age or chronic disease in General, from the fasting, however, is stopped, the fasting of catching up to do.

What to look for when fasting respected

  • If people in spite of medication-fasting ingestion:

“Who needs to permanently occupy at certain times of the Day medication, you should find with his physician or pharmacist, an individual solution”, said the Vice-President of the Federal chamber of pharmacists, Thomas Benkert. Thus, in the case of some diseases about possible medications, exceptionally, at night, or take a drug to avoid, the must rarely be taken.

  • When diabetics fasting want

especially diabetics should however advise. You’d have to tailor your medication to the changed times of food intake. In emergency situations the Koran allow moreover, the fast interrupt. Diabetics should have glucose to to glucose fix.

  • If kids want fasting

Many Muslim parents were very responsible with the topic of fasting in Ramadan, said the Federal Minister for family Affairs, Franziska Giffey (SPD). But what does that mean?

of The düsseldorf children’s doctor Herrmann Josef Kahl recommends fasting in children under 14 years of age not to strictly enforce. Because of their movement urge of the required children are also more liquid, he said, the “WAZ”. This , you are missing this can lead to circulation problems. So, low blood pressure, Nausea, and of course, difficulty in concentration.

young people aged 14 and over who are healthy, can decide with your parents whether you are fasting or not. Temperature and requirements, such as, for example, in the case of a sports festival or an important exam, should be taken into account, however.

Giffey has therefore spoken out against the strict fasting of the children of the school. She advises: All parties Involved – parents, teachers, mosques, and the representatives of the Muslims in Germany should work together, called for Giffey.

Ramadan during the Corona-crisis

Ramadan in 2020 will the Muslims, especially a lot of strength and endurance require, know of the Islamic religious educator Lamya puts. “Because it is the month of the community and of solidarity. But now it is lock, a Ramadan of the contact and solidarity means this time especially to keep away.” An estimated five million Muslims live in Germany, particularly many in North Rhine-Westphalia.

“Ramadan is a spiritual month, but it is also a special time of the joy of life,” explains puts from the Liberal-Islamic Federation. “The Muslims will be happy, to laugh together, exchange ideas.” And: “Ramadan brings hardships, and unfortunately, also the annual critique, the fast is so unhealthy and irresponsible. This is stressful and to sustain in the community. With the mutual Up it will lift but now it is difficult.”

All the developments on the Corona-crisis you will find in the News Ticker.

The Chairman of the Central Council of Muslims, Aiman Mazyek, regrets with views of the breaking the fast in the evening: “it is only in the narrowest family circle. I’m afraid that also applies to the Feast at the end of the month of Ramadan.” The religious communities in the hope that it could be the end of the month, at least, the loosening of the strict Corona conditions in Germany.

Some Muslims put to more Online formats, such as prayers or sermons in the live stream. The Berlin-based Ibn Rushd–Goethe mosque and your Islam understanding it differs from the majority of Muslims – wants to reach its members via Livestream. “If we are not able to be there for our community physically present, we want to offer a program to stay still,” says spokeswoman Lea Paulina Näder.

The focus of the liberal mosque is now on the topic of sexual diversity – such as with the Online-lecture of a gay Parisian Imam or the meditation workshop, a Berlin-based sex educators. “Prayer is also a Form of Meditation,” says nõder.

In Duisburg, has provided the Ditib-Merkez mosque in Marxloh “Iftar-To-Go” for the needy on the legs. An intensive neighborhood support is in progress, says a spokeswoman. The Muslim youth work reports on young volunteers, for seniors shopping. With dozens of Muslim colleagues, you will offer every day a “Ramadan-Talk” on Instagram, says the Federal Chairman Taner Beklen from Dortmund. “In order to motivate in the last hours before Iftar and to mutually encourage one another in these unusual times.”

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