On 16. May have to take place in Oberammergau, there is the Premiere of the Passion. Because of Corona, the game has been postponed to 2022. The BR has accompanied the preparations for 2018 with the camera. Now the documentation is “Oberammergau in the state of exception” to.

For the past two years you have been working towards this, have your life on the 16. May be directed to: this Saturday would have been in Oberammergau Premiere of the Passion. However, as reported, the Landratsamt Garmisch-Partenkirchen two months ago, the “play of the Suffering, death, and of our Lord Jesus Christ Resurrected says,” under that: the risk of contagion is at around 5000 visitors a day from all over the world, and almost 2,000 Amateur performers on the stage. New premiere date is now 14. May 2022.

+ so Far, there are only a few pictures of the staging to see.©BR/ MEGAHERZ

The cancellation of the village with all the force of a full braking, full throttle hit. “For Oberammergau, the Passion is the salt of the Pretzels,” says Jesus-actor Rocco Rückel succinctly – at the latest with the cancellation, it is clear how true the sentence is. Because there are images that leave no cold in Jutta Yous documentation. The Director has accompanied the preparations for 2018. Of course your camera is also here, as a Christian Stückl is known as tears of the shift, before the game head to the voice to collapse entirely, “sorry”. The BR TV shows “Oberammergau in a state of emergency” on Monday, 18. May, to 21 hours; in the BR-Mediathek of the 45-minute film is seen.

the Passion of 2022, the presale starts at 5. October 2020

Dramaturgically, the movie follows a Countdown, let’s go with the play option in October 2018. Impressions inform now about the remaining time until the Premiere. Of course the maker knew the Cut of the material, that it will be this year no. It is also the only criticism that the Off-comments, a Time or two to slip to often pathetic to the Tremolo à la “Still you are not that ancestor,…”. The thickness of the film is the choice of the protagonists is: Whether it is Barbara lamp is making in their pottery, the jars for the game, Monika Long, the riding with the other the women’s game only, or plant Manager Walter Rutz, explains clearly, is how much work, beyond the artistic in the Passion. Their stories and observations, lead the viewer deep into the village, its Passion and its history. And finally, a Nice added scenes that seem almost prophetic: “About what God laughs at?”, Director Stückl asks once, long before the cancellation. “Over Planning.” Fortunately is planned in Oberammergau, there is still more: The presale for 2022 will start the new year at the 5. October.

The next sample for the Passion is in December 2021 instead of

In the movie is to see how Stückl adopted after a Day of rehearsals of the performers: “Until the next sample.” It will take place in December 2021.