In the case of this record total was not only the lights of the mouth are open. In the XXL a result of “Bares für Rares” provided a historical treasure caused quite a stir – and a lot of tears. A Review.

Update from 27. May 2019: trader broke after buying into tears

For Susanne Steiger was the record-breaking sale in the XXL a result of “Bares für Rares” the biggest Coup of your life. No wonder, had purchased the 36-Year-old in the Show the most expensive piece in the first place, which there was in the history of the success of the junk show ever! For a 300-year-old diamond cross, supposedly contained three splinters of the cross of Jesus Christ , paid climbers to the sellers a whopping € 42,000.

After the purchase, she broke out in tears, could hardly believe what had just happened. “I don’t know what to say. the This is a piece where the heart rises, as a dealer simple, where you can be life after addiction . This is like the needle in the haystack. I’ve found here tonight. I’m insanely happy and I just simply have no words” she stammered to the end of the Show. Compared to the picture Online, the dealer is supposed to have betrayed, however, that they plan no further sale of a valuable diamond cross. Instead, you think, to be transferred as on loan to a Museum , it means more.

However, many “Bares für Rares would have shown” incensed about the fact that the sellers were fobbed off supposedly “so cheap” . They accuse the show’s creators on the Facebook page and complain that they have to send the seller had an auction house. This finally responded with the following words: “As all the seller, so the seller. the interior of the brilliant cross of the ‘Cash for Rares’-editorial in the run-up to and during the recording, again and again reminded that they can opt out at any time to a sale Mother and daughter did not give rise to the presumption that you do not know the value of the cross and their decision to sell, not to be thoroughly reconsidered.”

Even a lawyer has intervened in the debate. To Friedemann explained Ungerer buying according to Paragraph 138 of illegal . So the seller should have been inside the inexperienced and of the show creators really be “” exploited has been. “I’ve seen the show, and found the unheard of,” said the lawyer.

also read: “Bares für Rares”: Total failure of purchase dealer reveals his biggest blunder.

the diamond cross Was at the end of much more value?

“Bares für Rares”-dealer Susanne Steiger (36) towards turning the pages of 42,000 euros for the valuable diamond cross, which was allegedly three splinters of the cross of Jesus Christ.

Stephanie Huber and her mother Cosima Birk made with the heirloom, the business of your life. However, you should read this now, is likely to pay a little melancholy. Image Online language with Antiques experts, who think to know the true value of the diamond cross. Your answer: The value of the cross can be much higher.

A experienced expert from Bavaria, says: “ Should be the Pectoral cross is actually real, the value of the Immeasurable are on the rise . To the pure material value of the immaterial value of the relic comes. For special collector’s items the moon prices. Hundreds Of Thousands Of Euros.”

A is also not a named auctioneer says meanwhile: “The estimate in the case of ‘Cash for Rares’ went very quickly. In my opinion, too quickly. In the case of such high-profile objects, the estimate can take hours. Theoretically, each diamond would have to be tested individually on the carat-number, purity, colour and cut. So make it at least respectable dealer.”

expert more than 300-year-old diamond cross: the value of a small Church?

100,000 euros would have been in there, at least, says another trader, according to the image of Trier. The says: “something appears on the market as well as never. I have seen an object like this before.”

so, committed art historian Heide Rezepa-Zabel (54) a fatal error and the sellers wrong advice? Finally, they had claimed during the broadcast that the diamond cross would be actually the value of a small Church . Finally, their Expertise showed in the ZDF-show 60,000 to 80,000 euros.

you might also like : treasure in the drawer – this Chess piece is about one Million Euro of value.

“Bares für Rares”: This 300-year-old cross breaks the price record

initial message of 23. May 2019: That Horst Lichter won’t be back once the spit, the experience of inveterate “Bares für Rares”Fans tend to be rare. But in the XXL episode on Wednesday evening (22. May), it happened: At the sight of an ancient relic, the Moderator was even in awe and flabbergasted. At the end of the show, which took place against the historic backdrop of the castle of Schwerin, instead of a lot of treasure, only for a record price, but it rolled down the one or the other tear. About the treasure also Heidelberg24* reported.

record amount in the “Bares für Rares” for a centuries-old relic

it All began when Stefanie and Cosima from Rülzheim presented the ancient heirloom lights and Dr. Heath Rezepa-Zabel. Since the aggregated expert was even once properly clad, with large eyes contemplating the rarity.

interesting : “Bares für Rares”: Everything is Gold what shines? It enables you to see whether or not your junk is a lot of money value.

Understandable, it was, after all, a 300 years old Pontifical pectoral cross, which was occupied with a 40-Karat diamond . So something is not getting the junk to see an expert every day! As she finds her voice again, bringing out only a “That’s great!”.

your incredible Expertise: the Material Alone was 17,000 euros worth! Overall, Dr. Rezepa appreciated-Zabel the relic to a whopping 60,000 to 80,000 Euro .

Learn here : record-Fund in “Bares für Rares”: Vase provides a splash, but almost a giant to happen-disaster.

your opinion counts!

Here to see the goose-bumps moment of the beginning to the end

€ 42,000 for pectoral cross – vendor overjoyed

The seller can hardly believe their luck – but, the dealer will pay so much money for the good piece? In fact, jewelry dealer Susanne Steiger got hold of the historical record for a whopping $ 42,000 .

Still in a daze not stammered: “I don’t know what to say.” No wonder, Steiger broke the record – and probably the most expensive piece in the history of the success of the show purchased. “ This is like the needle in the haystack. I’ve found here tonight. I’m insanely happy .”

also read the following article for the ZDF-Show :

“Bares für Rares”: As a dealer make a fool of himself, showing the other their dark side. “Bares für Rares”dealer has a bold guess: Is sometimes only offered to annoy the other?

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.
