“to Me, it is not important that I get along with everyone. Not everyone has to like me. I’m actually just that I win,“ said the top model candidate, once in the program. And with these three movements it describes in a nut shell. Because the 24-Year-old is bursting at the JS in the theme just so full of ambition and self-confidence.

no other candidate is to be noted, the absolute will to win, such as the Kaggwa, who threw himself into every Challenge as if it was a matter of life and death. Doggedly fighting for the title and ate at night, also secretly tears, if with a Job at the Fashion Week or for a advertisers didn’t work out. To treat others the success, not part of your Strengths.

Klum cal Mantras internalized

In many ways, it is an ideal candidate for Heidi Klum. Because their phrase-like Mantras à la “You have to want it so bad” and “You have to” give Lijana internalized as some prayers of the rosary. The Klum cal word is (of all things) for the oldest finalist, the measure of all things, they also measure your competitors.

Lack of use or lack of ambition of their comrades-in-arms punishes Lijana hard: “The will to Fight is missing Maribel total. So you can not be GNTM“, held in the Position of a Juror uplifting about a former contestant. The other candidates can shake only the head. “We also want to be Germany’s Next Topmodel. But we don’t say it constantly,“ said Maureen.

“I had me something else were looking for,”

A key moment that caused resentment was the result of nine: As a group, a choreography should be rehearsed, had to cancel a candidate Vivan in tears the Training because of severe abdominal pain. The well-being of their colleague go Lijana cared little: “I will definitely put the focus to me is that I get a beautiful picture”, out sounded you.

later, the suspicion arose that Vivian could suffer from the inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, receipted Lijana twitch with a verbal shoulder: “You have to think twice, whether in the case of a chronic disease of the fast-paced model professional is the Right thing. I would have wanted something else“.

compared To Vivian, she had signaled just before the decision to walk and the associated dance full understanding and support offered. But as this was actually a question, focused Lijana but rather on themselves. She later apologized in a Statement and Video on YouTube at Vivian. But what is broadcast, it can not be taken back.

“Fake”allegations of churning

After 16 months of GNTM seems to many viewers to be Lijana annoyed. “Lijana, I think, in the meantime, a lot of work with your attached kind,” writes a User in a Fan-Forum. A user joins in: “I find this woman so annoying. And I found you at the beginning really well.“

Confronted with the Fake allegations, manifests itself Lijana in an interview with ProSieben, thoughtfully: “You misunderstand me, because I always give a bit to much and show. When I laugh, I laugh very loud. (…) Perhaps you misunderstand me, because you can find the track too much. But I’m holding.“

From the context torn scene, the image of the season-a bitch

perfect in Doing so, it is not only Lijanas edgy style, the Always-a-Little-About-Be polarized so. For what suggests, the 24-Year-old with their edgy and humanly imperfect way, the cutting of the Show to perfection, and the character traits Lijanas pours in the cast iron Form of the season, bitch. A couple of from the context torn scenes, Klum step-motherly comments that whip up the candidates against each other and a months-long anomaly, then the image of the hate-the subject of the season perfectly.

Only Justifies the threats of all the murder? “My life is just a total nightmare,” said Lijana on Wednesday, the “image”-newspaper. “I get death threats, been spat at on the street, my car is littered with my dog, should be poisoned. This poison baits were laid in my garden.“ Their address had been published on the Internet.

“One on the road, he spat at me, said: ,Three million want your death. I can do this now’,” she said of the “image”. “It is not a great deal that at some point someone zuhaut.”

In the Form of the even for and own something New. Since the very first season of the Casting Show, the candidate asks a high price for a small piece of the glory cake, the young women willing to let Yes the vices of the obscurity behind. Soul Striptease, Self divestitures and verbal humiliations have always been an integral part of the show. Death threats and poison baits, however, are again a different quality.

Tschentscher in Hygiene-Demo caught? Lanz shall submit to the SPD photo-man counters FOCUS Online/Wochit Tschentscher in Hygiene-Demo caught? Lanz shall submit to the SPD photo-man counters