On Thursday was father’s day. A day whose meaning is not obvious to me really, since I’m an every day father and on top of that, the age of majority, which is why I may also, at any time, a chilled beer to drink. Without handcart!

anyway. My family “blessed” me with a black T-Shirt that in bright-colored letters it says: “HUSBAND, DAD, grill master, HERO.” Heaven! The don’t know that I Motto-Shirts from the bottom of my heart despise?

The Kids jubilierten, the wife complained, it would sit on the belly but a bit tight – and I surrendered, and opened the first beer. About the author

Gregory Haake is one of the (still) rare specimens of men who forego a career to manage as a full-time father to children and the household – in his case, son Ben and daughter Mathilda. Wife Ulrike Zeitlinger-Haake, editor-in-chief development & Innovation, the IMAGE group, is the Provider of the family. Haake has studied political science and worked as a Journalist and Digital Manager for FOCUS magazine and the Financial Times Germany, AP and ddp activities. Today, he is a Chauffeur, chef, shopper, homework tutor, story reader, tears drying and the world’s best “Bolognese without a morsel” cooking.

A life without children, I could never

imagine a father in addition to husband my absolute favorite Job! A life without children and I can never imagine. Yes, occasionally I would like to set the spawn on Ebay, (since the Corona-Lockdown and school closures-significantly more often than usual), sometimes I’m with my education in Latin at the end of our sexual intercourse frequency was in front of the children even higher. Everything is like in other families, I guess.

But most of the time I’m just proud and happy that Ben (15) and Mathilda (8) are in my life. Without you it would not be half so exhausting – but also only half as exciting! Book recommendation (display)

“Daddy Cool” by Gregor Haake

To the book at Amazon

If all this is correct, I take the example of another father: my father-in-law.

Hans-jörg (or “Grogro” to his eight grandchildren call as an abbreviation of grandfather), is an Austrian, at the end of 70 and the calmest person I know. Despite (or probably because) of his three daughters. He exudes the sovereignty of a man who has already experienced a lot.

He looks like a weathered Cowboy who worked during the mining engineering studies, underground in a silver mine, rides a Harley Davidson and climbs on the highest mountains of Austria. He was five decades of avid skydiver and rides in the Winter, still Ski every day.

And he is not exactly squeamish. On the Farm of my sister-in-law, Julie in Canada, Hans jörg for the construction of a wooden bridge helped, as, of all things, his son-in-law Jeremy, the heavy Hammer during the swing slipped out of my Hand. To have to (its credit, to say, it was drizzling, and a firm grip was difficult.)

The Hammer slammed with full force into Hansjörgs face. The gaping wound had to be stitched by the doctor. Was settled on the spot in cash. Ten dollars per trick, without anesthesia. The scar on the right eye you can still see today.

don’t get upset Just. Just let it run. Life finds a way.

If you are sitting with Hans-jörg in the chair lift, is not spoken much. He’s not talking, anyway. Certainly not on the mountain. Because all of the face in the sun, take a deep breath and enjoy the nature. My wife, who speaks more and tries again and again, stubbornly, to her father in the mountains a couple of sentences out of. The last Time he looked, minutes to the new Carving skis to his daughter, while the chair towards the summit lift rattled. And then said: “You can’t work against the Ski. Always nice to run.“ Then he was silent to the exit.

For me, this has become a guiding principle. The Guiding Principle Here. If it is complicated, and to get caught in things threaten, I say to myself: don’t get upset. Not against the Ski to work. Just let it run. Life finds a way. Also helps me in Corona times. Laschet taunts against Söder: “If beer gardens are open, to earn child care” FOCUS Online/Wochit Laschet taunts against Söder: “If beer gardens are open, to earn child care”