The state pension is under pressure: more and more retirees collect longer and longer old-age pensions. And fewer contributors have to spend the many billions.

Therefore, the so-called rule, have been rising for years age limit. This means that workers must work longer to be able to regularly retire. Was previously the age of 65. Age as a threshold, this time to rise in the coming years to 67 years. This age applies to all who were born in or after 1964.

Early retirement leads to reductions

Who wants to stand still earlier in peace, can do that – but it has a high price. Each month of early retirement pension costs 0.3 percent of the pension – and life. Each year, the loss thus account for 3.6 percent (12 months x 0.3 %). Everything you know about your pension

Our PDF guide explains on 100 pages the answers to all the important questions around the topic of retirement. Plus 58 Pages Of Forms.

PDF guide

This discount does not disappear if the pension has eventually reached its “regular” retirement age. He remains life-long.

With these discounts, early retirees expect to FOCUS Online

To which losses may be concrete, indicates a example: Mr. A. was born in 1958 and tee could go free at the age of 66 to retire. Because he wants to do twelve months in advance the age of 65, occur to him 3.6% discounts in the monthly pension.

If the Lord can expect 1500 Euro regular old-age monthly pension, cost him the haircuts monthly 54 Euro (= 3,6 % of his regular pension). Each year, the 648 Euro are .

that Mr. A. is 85 years old – then he would have to wear this loss for 20 years. This results in the following calculation: 20 years x 648 € = resulting in 12 960 Euro pension no repentance to life time as a result.

in fact, this amount will be even higher because of Mr a of possible future pension increases will be less benefit.

With Extra contributions, the loss of

balance This on the deductions of the old-age pension , with voluntary payments into the statutory pension Fund to compensate for. But be careful: The pension minus as a result of lack of years of contributions is not the but. Therefore, the losses in the event of early pension entrance is also not completely compensate for.

However, the reductions to compensate for the old-age pension, are usually high amounts of necessary. So much money you get at the age click Here for pensions calculator

How is calculated the amount of compensation FOCUS Online Who gets 24 months before Reaching the normal retirement age returns to the Job the back, at a discount of 7.2 per cent, 0.3 per cent ended up per month. In the example, the table, the payment of a single amount of 22.455 Euro compensates the monthly pension losses, at least partially. As of January 2020, on the Basis of the values for 2019

The state pension has little of higher mathematics. Therefore, at this point, a detailed example calculation, which amounts are required to be able to a Pension reduction to offset (see table above). the

adoption: For a full old-age pension of 40 earnings points (EP) are necessary. The Insured, however, want to go two years before retirement. He must, therefore, accept a discount of 24 months x 0.3 percent = 7.2% . Access factor (ZF) is 100 minus 7.2 = 92,8 .

The average annual wage since the time of the recalculation for 1. July 2019 at 38.901 euros gross, corresponding to monthly 3242 Euro. The amount is adjusted to July 2020, as every year, probably on 40.551 Euro.

1. Step: the determination of the lack of earnings points (EP).

2. Step: calculate the shortfall in income to the average wage or salary on the basis of the access factor (ZF).

3. Step: an Individual faulty income = step 2 x missing charge points.

4. Step: payment amount = failed income changes in the contribution rate

extra payments are worthwhile only if there is a long pensions-relation time

This extra payment interested should consider but it is precisely because the amount paid is calculated only after years.

In the above example: 2,88 EP 2020 and bring per month in the old länder 95,18 Euro more pension per year, so good 1142 Euro . After almost 20 years has recouped the extra payment of 22.455 Euro. In fact, they will expect, however, is a little faster, because the annual pension increases will shorten the period.

Who wants to make compensatory payments, it must notify the German pension insurance (DRV), that he wants to claim an early pension. This is done with the form V0210, is included in this guide. The DRV is determined and then the expected reduction of the old-age pension. From this, the amount of compensation is obtained.

by the Way: anyone Who makes a compensation payment due to a planned earlier Retirement, but still up to their regular age limit works, you can increase its monthly income .

tax tip: Extra payments over a number of years to distribute

deductions can 50 from. Age be offset by contribution payments. In view of the sometimes high Extra contributions to the sum on the year split rates. The extra payments may be partially tax-deductible. The advantage of paying in Instalments over several years: In this case, the citizen does not exceed the limits of the tax maximum and can push his tax significantly.

Also, the annual payments can be split, but only to a maximum of two partial amounts.

Paycheck: gross-net-calculator 2020 remains much the net from a gross state pension Fund to help with decision-making

anyone Who is interested in voluntary payments, should, in the run-up to the pension insurance advise. So you can clarify for certain when and how payments are possible, or when payments made can be. Everything about the development of the Corona-crisis

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