In the dispute over Corona-the rules have attacked one of Augsburg’s landlady, and her mother, police verbally and physically. During the deployment I have deployed a part of a crowd of people in front of the pub with the innkeeper solid and the forces afflicted, it was said more in the message of the Augsburg police, and “they chanted loudly the name of the restaurant and threw the plastic Cup on the use of force.”

The landlady and her mother were slightly injured: she suffered respiratory irritation due to the use of pepper spray. Four police officers were injured, according to the by the resistance of the two women’s punches, scratches and bites. Three of them were capable of. The order of service of the city of Augsburg ordered the setting of the bar stem.

landlady: “I was suddenly torn to the ground”

has Now expressed the hostess to the incident. Only in November they had taken over the Local in the Maxstraße. She said the Portal “press Augsburg”: “I can only say that I have been fighting for months due to the corona location for the receipt and I never had a bad relationship with officials.” The narration of the incident by the police were not correct. “I was torn down by a very aggressive conversation on the part of the police suddenly to the ground and had pepper spray in the face. Despite all this, I still get a punch from an officer. I don’t understand the world.”

The worst was that she was portrayed as a criminal. “I am deeply shocked”, quoted by “the press of Augsburg” the landlady.

police describes other course

The incident occurred late on Friday evening. The order of service had to be established according to the communication, in the Local noise pollution and violations in the context of the Feast and called the police. The violations pointed out, the 30-year-old local operator, therefore, unreasonable.

A police officer tried to raise the awareness of the landlady, and her present for mother “regarding the violations, when suddenly one of the two women, suddenly the officer struck in the face”, – stated in the report of the police. As wanted to free the officer from the position, went off, according to police, the other woman, physically, on you. Then the two women of the forces have been brought to the ground.

The criminal investigation Department is now examining the use of the police. In the network of several cell phone Videos of the use of circulating.

All the information about the Coronavirus in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online. Of colleagues rebuked: Andrea Kiewel abused in live show several times a Corona-rules, FOCUS Online/Wochit colleagues rebuked: Andrea Kiewel abused in live show several times a Corona-rules
