First, the wedding, and shortly thereafter, the last will and Testament? Everything else as romantic as that sounds. Why childless couples should be her legacy, nevertheless, according to the marriage rules.

there Is no Testament, the spouse use each other to sole heir , the legal succession. With a last will and Testament dispute about the heritage can be prevented. Experts give tips on what to pay attention to the wedding .

Been thinking to getting Married to the Testament?

the wedding*, then the Testament* come from ? Sounds unromantic. Nevertheless, childless couples should also make it in time. What happens to the inheritance if one of the partners dies?

In a report on it goes on to say: there Is no Testament* , in the couple or registered partners to use each other’s sole heir, the legal succession. And the looks according to the report, so: Is married the Couple in the matrimonial property of community of accrued gains or partnered, and it has no young , the Living longer inherits only three-quarters . The one-eighth goes to the parents of the deceased . “Not beat them active, by going within six weeks to the notary, you will automatically inherit,” says Michael Henn, specialist lawyer for inheritance law in the above-mentioned report.

parents no longer Should live the heirs of the siblings, half-siblings or grandparents, thus, the Portal. Together with the widowed spouse you would then form a heritage community .

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After the wedding: married couples without Children can with Testament clarity

A Testament clarity. “married couples without Children, whether young or old, should urgently make a Testament, at best immediately after the marriage,” advises Jan Bittler, inheritance law, lawyer and managing Director of the German Association for inheritance law and succession (DVEV) in the report on is not To be heirs with him of the relationship, is a common Testament is a Must , and more.

Without a will, it may come to the armed . As good as everything that the Deceased had, would then belong to all the heirs jointly, and must proportionally be divided. Although, at least to the matrimonial Home belonging to would be things like furniture, carpets or porcelain on the outside to stay. It is a matter of personal possession such as a car, the precious Hi-Fi system, musical instruments, photographs, wrist watches or jewelry, the government is against it: The parents have to claim on a quarter.

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hand seats put in writing a last will and Testament – with a lot of assets, a specialist lawyer

The advice from experts to couple , according to the report helps: the hand put in writing a last will and Testament in which you use each other to inherit. The legal succession was undermined to a large extent. The more assets there are, the more advisable it is, however, a specialist lawyer .

Advisable it is, so it is reported by Portal to have as a precautionary measure, in the Testament , that the yet unborn children will inherit the Circuit. Possible also, nephews, nieces, friends or a charitable organization as the heir, if the Couple have no offspring.

to know is Also important: Although a childless parents, de facto disown Couple with his Testament , whether this still is not completely foreign. You stand in the Todesfal l a duty part as a Minimum. It amounts to the half of the intestate share .

frequently parents but not claim claim. They would, within three years, not active, lost her compulsory portion.

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