Dominic Cummings breaks the silence. The adviser to Boris Johnson, accused of violating the containment introduced to combat the coronavirus, was keen to deny rumors that circulate about it. Monday, may 25, the special adviser to the british Prime minister Boris Johnson claimed he had acted, during the containment, so that ” legal and reasonable “. A revelation that he thought sufficient to quell the political storm raised by his behavior.

Read also Boris Johnson is weakened by the déconfinement wild of his right-hand man Dominic Cummings

the day after The intervention of the head of the government which has not managed to extinguish the controversy, the powerful and controversial councillor long explained to the press, without expressing regret. In the Face of journalists gathered in the gardens of Downing Street, the brain of the referendum campaign in 2016 which has led to the Brexit explained that he had not “proposed” or “intended” to resign, in spite of the crowd of calls in this direction, including within the conservative majority.

A trip that was not reported to Boris Johnson

precise Chronology of the place of facts in support, he explained, have chosen to go with his wife and their 4 year-old son at home with his parents to Durham, 400 km north-east of London, when he feared to have contracted the Covid-19, for reasons of child care. The family stayed in a building on the family property. However, he also acknowledged that he had not discussed this move with the Prime minister, who was tested positive to the Covid-19, a ” mistake “, he said, the only one he has granted. “I don’t think there is a rule for me and one rule for the population,” he said.

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Boris Johnson had flown to his rescue the day before, saying that Dominic Cummings had acted ” responsibly, lawfully, and with integrity “. But, in spite of his intervention, a number of conservative mps continued to demand the departure of the advisor. “This is a classic case of “do as I say, not as I do”, “has estimated the former minister in the conservative Paul Maynard,” it seems completely untenable, his position is untenable “. The member of parliament for the majority Simon Hoare judge about him in the Daily Mail that ” everything remains the hope that all this fades in 24 hours is lost “.

” you Hypocrite ! “

“It was a test for the Prime minister, and he failed,” responded the leader of the opposition labour party Keir Starmer, denouncing ” an insult to the sacrifices made by the british people “. The criticisms are largely beyond the political spectrum. One of the scientists in charge of advising the government, prof Stephen Reicher, said : Boris Johnson has “rolled all the advice that we have given on how to ensure trust and membership” of the British with the instructions necessary to combat the spread of the virus.

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Church officials have abounded in the same sense : “The question now is this : is it that we accept that we have to lie and that the Prime minister takes us to the pears ?” tweeted the bishop of Leeds, Nick Baines. In the Uk, the second country the most grief-stricken by the pandemic, with 36 793 deaths – more than 41 000, including unconfirmed cases, this case adds another weight on the shoulders of Boris Johnson, strongly criticized for his handling of the crisis and the late placement of the containment.

She could even take a tour judicial, highlight the Guardian and the Daily Mirror, the origin of the revelations since Friday night are a scandal. According to these two newspapers, a retired sure to have seen Dominic Cummings on April 12, Barnard Castle, fifty miles of Durham, filed a complaint for possible violations to the laws on health. On Monday, Dominic Cummings explained that he wanted this day to ensure that he was able to drive to his next return to London, and that it has not approached anybody. It has, however, firmly denied shall be again returned to Durham on the 19th of April, five days after his return to work in London after his recovery.

writing will advise you

in The United Kingdom, a déconfinement ” light “