The story could have been the title of the Hollywood Comedy “The incredible journey in a crazy airplane” to wear. Because of the flight EW 9844, which took off on Saturday morning at 6.20 at the airport in Düsseldorf, and set a course for Sardinia took, could have been the expensive Start saving. Reason: The airport of Olbia is closed as well as the two other airports in Cagliari and Alghero because of the corona of a crisis for commercial flights. Only on 25. June you re-open the runways for foreign scheduled airlines.

But how could it ever come to this air number?

Four hours Airbus use with two passengers due to “problems of Interpretation”

a Good two hours after the Start in Düsseldorf, eurowings machine in the landing at the Costa Smeralda airport in Olbia, was, as to the baffled pilots from the Tower was informed that you refused the permission to land. Even funnier, the passengers are likely to have looked, sitting in the Airbus 320-200. Although the Airbus can carry up to 168 passengers, were seated according to the information of Euro wings only two passengers on Board.

“The flight EW9844 is started on the Saturday schedule from the Dusseldorf airport,” said a company spokeswoman on request by FOCUS Online today. However, the air traffic to Coronzeiten is “highly dynamic,” admitted the spokeswoman. Again and again, we’ll be currently in the short term, to Changes of operating times of airports. imago images / localpic of The Olbia Airport in Sardinia.

a Total of called the airline two reasons, which led to the misdirection of the flight from Düsseldorf to Olbia and back. Reason 1: “the merging of different information from different Places, a lot is messed up,” said the spokeswoman. Reason 2: There had been a “misunderstanding in the Interpretation of the NOTAM”. Thus, dpa quoted a spokesman of the Euro wings.

Olbia airport amazed about the “interpretation problems”

NOTAM is “Notice for Airmen” – news for air driver. Behind it is a standardized, integrated, information system, via the permanent security-related information from all airports is hidden to the airlines sent. For example, if the lighting system failed on a runway or an airport is closed. As in the case of Olbia. FOCUS Online With this standardize communication from the Fliughafen Olbia has renewed two days before the Lifting of the Eurowings from Düsseldorf in the official NOTAM System, the Info that the airport is on the Costa Semeralda is currently closed due to the Corona pandemic.

What can be interpreted of the in English written in the NOTAM with the number B2520/20 to the airport, Olbia is unsuccessful, the airport two days before the Eurowings flight from Dusseldorf on 21. May be uploaded to the Central NOTOM-System-in-and-sends, opens up the speaker to the airport on Sardinia’s North East coast, however. “The message is the same in the first sentence, that our airport is closed for commercial flights,” said the spokesman for FOCUS Online. In the second sentence, that “on request” of commercial aircraft (“Aero taxi all”) could land that had not more than 19 seats. A derogation granted by the Region of Sardinia is, however, necessary. In addition, the airport Olbia have pointed out all the relevant airlines, including eurowings, “by Fax and phone call” before the closed the airport again. imago/Becker&Bredel aircraft of type Airbus A 320-200 (Symolbild).

airlines are legally obliged to check NOTAMS “before every landing,” the spokesman for the Costa Smeralda airport. He is also surprised that on the Homepage of Euro wings also still be flights between the 3. 24. June would be offered to OIbia. “On the 1. May opens the commercial air transport only from the airports in Rome and Milan to Sardinia again. Then follows on the 15. June, the release for all Italian flights to Sardinia. International flights are allowed until January 25. June land.“

the airport of Oblia made in the beginning of February due to renovation tightly

the two passengers, who turned on Saturday morning with the Airbus 320-200 is a round about the Mediterranean sea and then again in the metropolis on the Rhine were flown, hasn’t it traded, according to data from the eurowings spokeswoman for tourists. So the Euro would fly wings currently to Mallorca “people living on Mallorca, business people, members of relief organizations,” or Doctors or persons who can demonstrate an emergency situation, on the largest Balearic island.

but not to Sardinia. Because the three airports in the Country is prohibited to foreign aircraft. The airport of Olbia, moreover, was already for the 3. February because of renovation work closed.

risk of Infection in an aircraft: a virologist Kekulé surprised with the statement, FOCUS Online/Wochit risk of Infection in an aircraft: a virologist Kekulé surprised with the statement