Gracie Abrams touched by grace

With a sulky pout, her heavy hair dark and his eyes doe-Gracie Abrams is irresistible. His songs to the aesthetic of melancholy written in a teenager room, make it one of the artists to follow this year. At age 21, the talented daughter of J. J. Abrams (creator of hit series, Alias and Lost and director of the new films, Star Trek and Star Wars) is even described as the new Billie Eilish…

This author, composer and performer from Los Angeles starts at sentence – it has released four titles –but has already 60 million streams in the world and 1.2 million in France… His first shows, planned in June (staggered due to the coronavirus), were sold out immediately. His new song, ” Long Sleeves “, released Friday, may 22, is a ballad, delicate and tender written when she was 14 years old. He announces a first EP which will be released on 16 June, at Universal.

Mythic Quest, or the containment by the laughter

The sitcom geek Apple+ is a whiff of humor with this episode ” special containment shot entirely using iPhone and AirPods, without doubt the best of the series to date, the atypical Dark Quiet Death except. Everything is efficient, funny, at once mordant and acid in his painting of the flaws in the psychological characters and tender in the resolution of conflicts.

This episode is a series of teleconferences via Zoom. We found almost all of the characters from the first season, located, it will be recalled that, in the behind the scenes of a studio of development of video game is very popular ; in particular Ian, the director egomaniaque and paranoid, almost completely absorbed in the contemplation of himself ; Poppy, the head processor workaholique who loses himself in the work before lose your footing ; Brad, the chief financial officer (Danny Pudi, unforgettable Abed in Community), which reveals his talents to fighting games to Street Fighter ii , W. Longbottom, the former glory of the literature of SF of the 1960s became a writer of video games, but far exceeded by the technological advances of the Twenty-first century.

The relationship dynamics between the characters lies in the right line of the series, to the point that this episode ” special “, is also considered as the real episode 10 of the first season. Suffice to say that it can’t be used as an introduction to who would have never seen a single episode of Mythic Quest : the essence of what is said or suggested only works if you already know the characters, their qualities (few) and flaws (many), their relationships and their past conflicts or in progress.

Relive thirty years of amazing travel

Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio at the festival of very special Travelers in Saint-Malo, 2018 © ULF ANDERSEN / Ulf Andersen / Aurimages

thirty years ago began to blow on the city of Saint-Malo, a great wind of literatures from elsewhere, opening at the polar as in the world of fiction, is decentering America, Africa… The Pentecost, this is the weekend where every year flock there from around the world writers, filmmakers and visitors to acros. Lack of this ” infusion of humanity “, the edition 2020 is postponed to the next year, but the candles will blow on the site of the festival Amazing Travelers with archives great, tracing in texts, videos, debates, and literary cafés of this adventure literary (and film).

there are around Michel Le Bris and his team the illustrious companions of the early days, Jacques Lacarrière, Nicolas Bouvier, Jacques Meunier, Hugo Pratt, and Alvaro Mutis, but still Jim Harrison, Ella Maillart, Luis Sepulveda, Édouard Glissant, Le Clezio, joined by Jean Rouaud, Lieve Joris, Sylvain Prudhomme, Christian Garcin. Dany Laferrière, Lyonel Trouillot, Alain Mabanckou, Ananda Devi, and many others, who are children of these meetings in Bamako, Port-au-Prince. “Yo ho ho a bottle of rum ! “to celebrate this anniversary in the manner of Stevenson !

Billie Zangewa painted on self(e)

Billie said : “I think the ultimate act of resistance is self-love. “Scraps of silk to paint itself, its family, a birthday, a cup of tea in a kitchen, the simple acts and images of a daily life that she painted in bright and serious colors. Nothing narcissistic, but, on the contrary, the views that open on to the world… the large green leaves of the trees filling the way back to the school of the son held by the hand of his mother, long and elegant, a little bent over, brown the skin under the pale yellow colour. Billie herself. As a poetry.

The fabric and its irregularities form a background that is traveling the next in a landscape that is intimate. What are the new works brought together under the title Soldier of Love of this artist born in 1973 in Malawi, but live in Johannesburg, presented by the galerie Templon, a patchwork of tissues to reveal a mosaic carnal : “I have the feeling of being a soldier of love because, in this climate, many people are cynical and no longer believe in love, a soldier because it is a fight for love. “A fight to place black women in before Billie Zangewa took to heart early on.

Until the 6th of June, galerie Templon, 30 rue Beaubourg, Paris 3rd, every day except Sunday, free entry. 10 hours-19 hours.Soldier of love de Billie Zangewa © Jurie Potgieter

The Lear Piccoli

” King Lear “, with Michel Piccoli and Julie-Marie Parmentier in the staging of André Engel. © © Marc Vanappelghem

A journalist asked Michel Piccoli, then the first peak of his career – he had to prove itself as an incredible Gift Juan in the realization of television director Marcel Bluwal in 1965, what he would choose between cinema (he had already turned The Contempt of Godard), theater and television. The actor replied without hesitation : “The theatre. Because it is there that everything can be learned and there always as I come back. “

In this Lear breathtaking, directed by the great André Engel in 2006, Piccoli sums up the entire theater in the game of illusion and pain, ironic and disillusioned and yet believing again that love can be measured, a poor fool who asked his daughters which loved him the most… To it, it léguerait his kingdom. The older fawn, the last, the favourite, Cordelia, remains silent. PiccoLear is a brand that was dismantled, vagabond of himself, his crown was useless against Edmond the bastard who comes to taunt him.

Sad sire to the lost glory, Piccoli is magnificent, even to the earth, lying in the snow. Royal beggar, the madman and tender, lucid and prophet, wise and hilarious. It is a theatre of the film noir, with its big plans and its faces decrypted by the camera. A magnificent tribute to one of our greatest comedians…

Until may 30 Theatre and sofa. Access free of charge.