A sixth grader, has been at the Echinger S-train station hit. Fortunately, a Passer-by helped the boys. In the case of the unknown man, the mother would like to say thank you now.

sixth grade has been at Echinger S-train beat the shit out of.
A Passer helped the boys .
The mom searches for the unknown helper .

Eching – he Still bears clearly visible the traces of a brutal Punches the face: A Giant bruise under the right, highly swollen eye reminded the sixth-graders Philipp T. (Name changed), a bad attack by eleven boys . Together with a peer companion, this Philip, and his class has attacked last Tuesday-mates after school on the Echinger S-train station for a reason.

attack of the Echinger S-train station: sixth graders will be in the middle of the face

So Philip and his friend describe the ugly incident to the police , at the Philipps parents display refunded: After class at 10.30 am , the two boys , visit the Imma-Mack-Realschule in Eching have been waiting for, on Tuesday in the station’s South side, in the height of the underpass on the S1 in the direction Neufahrn. There are two approximately the same age student come to you. Already the title – “What are you looking at stupid?” – have shown that these two boys were obviously in dispute.

After Philip and his classmate had refused in the “offered” two battles join, and your To to go away asked, escalated the Situation . The larger of the two brawlers started to Philipp to take. This was, in turn, the Boxhiebe repel. As a result of the tussle Philipp went to floor when attempting to get up again, beat him of the attacker with the fist to face . Then, the two unknown student immediately the Wide were looking for.

sixth graders will be attacked in Eching – Passer-by helps: “This is, of course,”

While Philip with the tears fought and his companion, visibly shocked, was a pedestrian , that something was wrong with the two boys . The Passer offered his help and asked what had happened. After he had put the two in the picture, the man in search of the cut students – but without success. In the meantime, the identity of the criminal responsible students, the police could be calculated on the basis.

Philip’s parents are the unknown helper very grateful: “I would Like to personally thank this passers-by for his commitment, his willingness to help, his keen eye and his support,” said Philip’s mother. “Because this is not well, of course. Because none of the other passers-by has done something.“

she takes the incident as an occasion to address to appeal to the public, to have a careful eye on others and not look the other way when someone is in distress and needs help. She asks cordially, the “ let first responders ” with the support of the Freisinger Tagblatts in your report.

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