New “Bavaria trend” of the infra-test for the BR-magazine Controversial: Bayern continue to support, a large majority of the Corona-measures of the state government.

The Bavarians are in the Corona-crisis, the majority firmly behind the Prime Minister, Markus Söder. Critical, of all things, the voters of its coalition partner, the Free voters, however, are. A party seems to break down more and more even.

Munich – at the end of his party conference speech had Markus Söder last Friday a humble Moment. “I’ll take the good polls less seriously than the worse”, said the Prime Minister there – probably in anticipation of the Moment for him 94 percent of the Bavaria a good or even very good work certificate. Now, the new “Bayern trend of” infrared test in the order of BR-magazine “Controversial” is because – and Söder is likely to take him seriously, although it is again very good.

The, again, massive value for the Prime Minister not all of them had expected, finally, Corona-Demos made headlines recently. Even from within its own ranks, there had been least one or the other top comment on the omnipresence of Söders on all channels. But Green party leader Ludwig Hartmann says that the Prime Minister is in crisis is a “good Bavaria-carers” have been – even if Hartmann is now a broader approach wishes: “Joint Action and of the European Cohesion, with open borders and freedom of movement must not allow ourselves to go in the pandemic, will be lost.”

Bayern strengthen the Prime Minister and his government team in the back. the satisfaction with The crisis nmanagement in Corona times, with 67 percent very high. In the case of CSU, the SPD and the Greens, but there are several, which the loosening go too fast.

all the people Free voters are divided: Aiwangers party supporters at odds with Corona-easing

Interestingly, The response in Opposition, with the exception of AfD significantly greater than that of the coalition partner, the Free voters. The party of Hubert Aiwanger is in the question of the relaxations as divided: 57 percent of them find the course fine, but 22 percent of the loosening too far. At the same time, 17 percent find that you do not go far enough.

the Corona-crisis: Söder popular as no other Prime Minister

Particularly high Söders personal values are more with 90 percent satisfaction : “Such consent values, such as for Markus Söder, Infratest dimap has been measured during the Corona-crisis for no other Prime Minister”, says “Controversial”-editor-in-chief Andreas Bachmann, who has given the survey in order. CSU General Secretary Markus flower is happy: “This is not just a snapshot, it is an expression of a strong, new Foundation of trust.”

Overall, the survey confirms the shift in the political balance, since the corona crisis. the The CSU is with 48 per cent (down one percentage point compared to April) in a field of absolute majority. It is the Green with 19 (+2), the SPD with nine (-1) and the Free voters to follow, unchanged at eight per cent. The FDP and the Left would not, with three percent in the diet.

Bavarian AfD crashes and breaks apart more and more by yourself

Interesting is the unbridled, crash of the AfD , which was come at the state election in 2018 yet to 10.2 percent. Now it has halved the value of the quasi. “The intra-party disputes in the case of the AfD in Bavaria and Berlin left their marks,” says Bachmann. Five percent would be the worst value in a “Bavarian trend” for 2015.

The demographers interested this time, especially for Corona-questions, where here the results are not too much of a surprise. The question is whether politicians and the media have exaggerated the danger from the Virus is “aware of”, is answered by 77 per cent with no. the The 18 percent who believe that food, especially from AfD-supporters – of them, say 59 per cent.

Due to the Corona-crisis: Hardly a Bayer wants abroad

Asked after the travel plans: 44 per cent of Bayern’s plan this summer , therefore, absolutely no holiday 34 percent remain in Germany. Only 19% want to travel within Europe, and five percent think despite all the travel warnings about a Trip outside of Europe. Overall, the fear of the Virus goes back. Eight percent are very Worried, while 26 percent say the risk is small.

Mike Schier