Who wants to quit Smoking, tried it a couple of Times. The truck on the duration of the drop, experts advise the following procedure.

high demand it has on new year’s eve: The plan to stop Smoking – once and for all. The stop Smoking want to alone unable to do strength, there are various measures that can be tried. These range from nicotine patches to hypnosis treatments. The German cancer research center sees in a perfectly prepared Smoke getting out and in the right way to deal with deprivation a way out of the nicotine symptoms of addiction.

The money you could invest better, sports would not bring that kind of a sweat and health harm* the smoke does not stop – on the contrary. Smokers are well aware of the fact, however, the Addiction is often stronger than reason . Anyone who has become frustrated to be abandoned because no action has worked for Smoking cessation so far has perhaps made the following crucial mistakes.

smoke-free in several steps: So you get used to cigarettes

“The stop Smoking is more complex than you think,” says Martina Pötschke-Langer of the German cancer research center. Not least, because nicotine is a “serious drug”. the Budding non-smokers have to the physical rehab setting phenomena , but even harder is the psychological factors that provoke a relapse weigh-in. This would have to be aware of and the project “stop Smoking” plan well. to fight

the main cause of lung cancer*, the German cancer research center (dkfz) for smokers with useful tips the exit from the Addiction facilitate . Among other things, a perfect preparation to ensure the success of:

are you Looking for an exit date within the next three weeks. Choose a stress-free time for the smoke to stop the holiday or the time after the completion of an important project. Throw them all away or give you, what has this to do with Smoking: lighters, cigarettes, ashtrays… to Make you aware of the situations in which you have automatically reached for that cigarette and you will find alternative activities. Also places triggers: have you always smoked on your balcony? You make furniture, you can buy new plants – everything, what is your favorite Smoking places changed, helps you in Smoking cessation. Distraction and relaxation: Lay out a Plan for how you handle situations want to avoid the Craving for a cigarette is enormous. Many distractions, such as a phone conversation with a friend or sports helps now. Also relaxation exercises such as Meditation* or autogenic Training can be used as a valve – try out what works best for you.

also read : Coronavirus: Smoking as a particular risk group – the expert recommends.

way out of nicotine addiction: withdrawal to deal

irritability and restlessness are typical in the first time, when the body gets no nicotine more. These withdrawal symptoms usually only a few minutes and does not disappear when you give in to the Craving to smoke. the the symptoms is to endure for as long, until the body has become accustomed to the lack of nicotine, which lasts around ten days .

In this period of time can be, the following measures are helpful in the withdrawal symptoms to keep:

you are Dealing with hands and mouth : eat fruit, chew gum, drink, a stress ball to knead, knit, or the like helps in the acute Situation, from the desire to Smoke to distract. the Distract, distract, distract : make phone Calls, go Jogging*, cook, the To-do list review – at the first sign of withdrawal symptoms, you should immediately take an activity that directs your thoughts in a different direction.

If that brings nothing, you can try a nicotine replacement therapy. Nicotine lozenges, nicotine patches, nicotine gum or spray can lessen withdrawal symptoms. “ Leads the nicotine replacement therapy are not successful, then the doctor may prescribe a drug, the withdrawal symptoms and the Craving for cigarettes reduces “, such as the techniker Krankenkasse informed. Such drugs reduce the drugs varenicline or Bupropion, also the Craving for nicotine and the withdrawal symptoms – they can, however, cause severe side effects such as anxiety, sleep disturbance, Nausea to thoughts of suicide. Therefore, the intake must be arranged of medications for Smoking cessation with a physician.

More sources: www.dkfz.de; www.neurologen-und-psychiater-im-netz.de; www.rauchfrei-info.de

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