After the death of the Black George Floyd in a brutal police operation, it is in a number of US came to cities, protests and sometimes violent clashes. In the big city of Minneapolis, where Floyd’s death, protesters stormed in the night to Friday (local time), a police station, and inflamed there is fire, as several US media reported.

Video provides a worldwide horror – riot after the death of George Floyd: state of emergency declared, national guard is mobilized

President of the Donald Trump thing, then, is a threat. “I have just spoken with Governor Tim Walz, and told him that the military is on his side. If there are difficulties, we will take control, but if the looting begin, begins shooting,“ tweeted Trump. “These thugs are a disgrace to the memory of George Floyd, and I’m not going to let that happen.” Twitter sided shortly after the Tweet with a warning, because of the contribution against the prohibition of glorification of violence is incompatible with the service. AP A business burns on Friday morning in Minneapolis after the protests against the death of George Floyd.

“I can’t breathe”

the trigger for the anger and outrage of the protesters was around ten minutes long Video of Floyd’s death, which spread like wildfire in Social media: A white COP pressed his knee for several minutes on the neck of the 46-Year-old pleaded repeatedly for help before he lost consciousness. Repeated the African-American said: “I can’t breathe.” He died shortly thereafter in a nearby hospital. The COP pressed his knee into the neck of the detainees, was arrested on Friday evening German time, reports the AP news Agency. A total of four officers were involved.

The police station in Minneapolis was given the clashes between demonstrators and police have been evacuated. “Protesters are forcibly penetrated into the buildings and ignited several fires,” – quoted by CBS from a communication from the police. The fire could be brought under control, wrote CNN. Close to the station hours protested in the early morning still, hundreds of people, at several Points in the city of fire were not deleted yet. At about four o’clock, the fire brigade had arrived.


Angry protesters had taken to the Reports window of the guard, climbed over fences, and had lit fireworks. In front of the building, dozens of shouting “No justice – no peace” (“No Justice, no Peace”). The protests are also a Team of the news channel CNN during a Live was taken to Transfer the camera running. After several hours, the three journalists were free again.

police had initially detained a correspondent Oscar Jimenez, then his colleagues. In the Live recording was to see how Jimenez asked the police repeatedly, whether or not the Team should change its location. “We can go back anywhere you want. We just live,“ said Jimenez, the black skin color. Shortly thereafter, he was arrested. The police said later, CNN employees had been released after having confirmed that it representative was the media.

Trump offended “weak” mayor – the strikes back

“In our city there is at the Moment a lot of pain and anger. I understand that, our whole town recognizes that,“ said mayor Jacob Frey at a press conference in the Friday night. The looting, however, were unacceptable. Pictures were shown on Thursday, looted and burning shops, also, was to see how the police with tear gas, pepper spray and batons crackdown on protesters. Over 170 shops were destroyed or looted, tweeted the police of Saint Paul, a neighboring city of Minneapolis.

Trump had accused in a Tweet to the mayor of Minneapolis, the “total leadership of weightlessness”. “Either the weak, the mayor of the Radical Left, Jacob Frey gets the curve and bring the city under control, or I’ll send in the national guard in and do the Job properly.” Frey rejected the criticism. “Weakness is to show, in a crisis the Finger at someone else. Donald J. Trump knows nothing about the strength of Minneapolis. We are fucking strong,“ said Frey, who is a member of the Democrats related party.

the Governor mobilized national guard

the Governor of The state, Tim Walz, had mobilized on Thursday in the national guard and a state of emergency for Minneapolis and surrounding areas to call out. In its arrangement it was said that peaceful demonstrations are still allowed. 500 members of the U.S. national guard have now, based on Friday’s position. The situation will be monitored by them on the ground and from the air, explained the national guard. “Our troops are trained to protect life, preserve property, and to secure the right of people to peaceful demonstrations.”

protests in other U.S. cities

Also available in other US cities, people took to the streets to protest against police violence against Blacks – such as Denver, New York, Louisville, Memphis, Columbus, and Phoenix. In the case of peaceful protests, many protesters had demanded justice for Floyd and a conviction of the involved police officers. But it came to violence. In Denver, local media reported that shots. According to the police, first of all, no casualties were reported. In New York, hundreds of people had come together, there have been several arrests, wrote the “New York Times”. AP in Denver, Colorado it comes to protests.

police violence against Black still causes a stir

In the U.S., it always comes back to sensational cases of police violence against Black people. Least, had provided a Clip from the state of Georgia for a stir – a disturbing cell phone video showed how the black Jogger Ahmaud Arbery (25) attacked by white men, apparently, and then was shot. After the fact, in February it took two months – until the release of the Videos until it was in the case first. One of the Suspects used to be a COP have been. “You do not want to be Chancellor“: impact-ready-to-Travel clerk provoked Laschet-laugh, FOCUS Online/Wochit “you do not want to be Chancellor“: impact-ready-to-Travel clerk provoked Laschet-laugh
