And it is necessary to come up with the currently disclosed deficits, clean up, and to be resilient and agile in terms of new global Disruptions. What had begun as a regional infectious disease in the Chinese city of Wuhan, has been placed as a viral pandemic, the social life on the whole world to a standstill. Economic and social routines were set to tear up international value chains threatened national state of emergency, the regime intervened heavily in civil rights. The world as you knew her, was her mirror image. The Urge to age normality translated quickly into aggressive populist uprisings. About the Person:
Diana Kinnert, 29, is an entrepreneur, and she is– well, what? The title “political thinker” is perhaps closest to what the native Wuppertalerin. It belongs to the CDU, and was a member of the reform Committee of your party. She studied politics and philosophy. From 2015 until the latter’s death the end of 2016, Diana Kinnert worked for the Vice President of the German Bundestag, Peter Hintze (CDU). In her book “For the future, I see black” pleaded Kinnert for a modern conservatism.
But what of the old normality is still desirable? The a backward, neglected environmental protection policy, including the failure to respect hygiene measures, for example, in wild animal consumption or in the mass rearing of animals, the infections in the Zoological field to the result? Those of a failed policy on climate change, which exposes especially close to the coast regions, environmental disasters, which, in turn, the simplest infrastructure for the humanitarian supply, such as access to electricity and drinking water to crush and, thus, the spread of dangerous germs is favored? The protection of the climate, our Ecosystems and their biodiversity will not stand long on the Agenda of the Ruling. Today, the humanitarian responsibility: sustainability prioritization, for your contribution to a future of cleanliness, health and safety, at all.
No alibi policy with one-time money
gifts are Similar in other policy fields. The structure of conservatism, risk aversion, and nostalgia will not let us, the well-Known standard raise, you contribute rarely to be on the disobedience of the future will not be sufficiently prepared. Because the education system is digitised, a nationwide, flexible childcare, and employers ‘ neglect of modern forms of work without a analog presence in the culture still, the economic slump by Corona German SMEs harder than he had to. Back to normal must not mean a Return to deficits. You think Germany’s future
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The precarious employment conditions, particularly among the so-called system-relevant Professions, have a new petrol into the discourse on fire about social inequality, power, justice, and the advancement of society cast starts. That is a good thing, but may not rise in a Tokenism of one-off gifts of Money. Germany needs an agile, social, health and medical infrastructure on the amount of time. Social Isolation and loneliness, desire for a politics of the common sense Foundation, integrative encounter concepts and the exploration of psycho-social contexts.
The magic of other Angles
Hardly a developed country in the world will challenge the aging of its society as much as Germany. The increasing life expectancy and low birth rate make the architecture of the German welfare state on its head. Modern old policy, the mitbedenkt the sense of the task of the high age in our culture, honest participation opportunities developed and the needs-oriented infrastructures is to guarantee the social peace of the future.
The Corona-rotated crisis in the Fridays for Future discussion burgeoning alleged dispute “Young against Old” in an impressive manner. Solidarity in the crisis was also a “Young for Old”. Post office-Corona – a cross-generational project, with novel alliances, progressive agenda-setting, innovative solutions, free of the old ethos of metaphors. A new policy is open and its security-building, self-aware and emanzipativ, future-seeking and reliability.
It may seem frivolous to want in the face of misery and the dead this break as a Chance to understand. The world has long experienced a Disruption and more like the pandemic and its consequences these days. However, the distance from the Routine inherent in the magic of the other angle, and thus of new beginnings. The fate of the autoimmune sick and the elderly, which for many is unforeseen Situation of social isolation, the effort of caring work, whether for children in the Care of elderly or dependents in the maintenance stage, the danger due to Domestic violence, the call for psycho-social treatment – all of these things are in the politics of the past years little has been discussed. It would be nice if the opposite eighth soon to be a new normal measure.
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