While a number of players in the Corona-crisis flows on the tennis courts, withdraw a lot of clubs Teams from the point of the game.

County – On Tuesday, Prime Minister Markus Söder announced that e-mail, on the many tennis players in the County have long been waiting for: 8 and up. June Competition is allowed in Bavaria again-Tennis will be played, including a double. Were previously not allowed, because during the game, de distance rules are not consistently adhered to could be. For many seniors this is not so run-of-intensive game form, but it is an important part of the tennis sport. A number of questions, such as the season-life will not expire, however, are still open. This is also why many of the teams from the summer have pulled-point round.

Ralph Matheiowetz: “It sure will be funny”

Only half of the originally planned team starts at the TC like Linden in the season, as the Association’s President and plant owner Ralph Matheiowetz explained. Especially seniors and ladies teams want to play under the current conditions, there is no point round. The cabins may not be used for showers and change to home – had been crucial for the decision. “The ladies put in there seems to be more value than that of the men”, so Matheiowetz. He wants to play in the summer round for the men’s 50 at his club. In the anticipation, scepticism is mixed, however: “It will certainly be weird.”

to give During the point round triggers mixed feelings among the players, it seems to be for the sport of tennis to a whole new enthusiasm. “The plant is buzzing like never before,” says Matheiowetz. The eleven clay courts of the club were very well utilized, as the Chairman of the Association, despite comprehensive hygiene rules, mask of duty on the way to space and distance requirements. “It will all work out wonderfully,” says the TCG boss.

Björn Wille: “Tennis also works with Corona-rules very well,”

is Quite similar to the Situation when TC Puchheim. The courts of the mayor-Ertl-street are also well documented, as sports Director Björn will has observed. His guess: “people have missed the Tennis and it also works with Corona-rules very well.” Better than other sports. Many players engaged in else to other jobs, would spend their free time on the tennis court, so will.

The small Tennis Boom in the club but also a great challenge. The specifications of the Bavarian tennis Association (BTV) indicate that lists of names of all players must be guided to a Corona case, the infection chain tracking. The TC Puchheim has made a virtue out of necessity and the on-line system for space-booking not normally especially for the hall to be used, extended to foreign courts. The bureaucracy holds for the club in the borders.

To the point round, almost all from Puchheim-based Teams will participate. Only the leisure double-teams the seniors were withdrawn. “The health concerns of the over 70-year-old players were too big,” explains the TCP-Marshal, is charged for the first men’s team. “It is definitely exciting.”

Georg Fleischmann: “If more than 50 percent pull back, I don’t know if that makes sense”

Georg Fleischmann, head of the Amper Park in Emmering participation in the point round of the game was never in question, should allow the framework for a game. “We play because we love to play Tennis,” said the head coach of the club, also for the gentlemen 40 of the TC Weilheim in Bavaria, hits League, and in the Tyrol gentlemen-45-Bundesliga for Innsbruck plays. The social aspect needs to come into this year’s shorter so you would have to live with. Amper Park Emmering takes on every case with all the teams that were originally reported.

Fleischmann, however, is not convinced fully that the point round will actually take place. BTV-President Helmut Schmidbauer had stressed last week that there would be no transition season to Bending and Breaking. “If more than 50 percent pull back, I don’t know if that makes sense,” said Amper Park-coach. He fears that the hard cuts at the beginning of the Corona restrictions have cemented in many tennis players, the decision this season not to compete. And with this decision they would be holding even more, although it is now actually back to a normal tennis play is possible, said Fleischmann.

The now single Germering club, the TC cross linger, is divided into the mood for the upcoming summer round. While the youth up to the 40-year speed actually all of the Teams scheduled to play, tend to be the older teams, and, from the game log. “But that’s less to do with health concerns, but due to the fact that the Board calls upon each team a safety,” explains Dominik Hirsch, Chairman of the tennis club. You try a normal game to get. “Alone, in order to support the beleaguered host,” says Hirsch.

Dominik Hirsch: “If it is somehow represented, we want to perform the Parsberg-Cup”

can be The point round. Many of the great tournaments in the district had to be cancelled due to the Corona pandemic. So the young people have to abstain this year to Come-energy-Juniors in Eichenau. The tournament would have been for the beginning of may, planned. Similarly, the originally in June-thought-out ranking tournament for the adults is eliminated.

+ close the winners and organizers of last year’s Olching Open. Such images will not be this year. The tournament had to be cancelled due to the Corona pandemic. The point round is allowed subject to conditions, but.©TC Olching

further rejection relates to the oldest ranking tournament in the district. The Oching-Open, which should start on the last weekend in August will not take place this year. “200 people to our facility, we can’t answer at the time,” said Michael Sachse, 2. The Chairman of the TC in Olching, Germany. The rejection hurts all the more because the Olching, for already 29. Edition of the tournament had found a Sponsor. The has, however, signalled that he would be in the coming year with you on Board. “After all, a good message,” says Sachse. Because the County Championships, which were scheduled a week later and the TC Gernlinden and the Olchingern should be held, have already been cancelled.

there’s hope for the Parsberg Cup in the first week of August. “If it is somehow represented, we want to perform it,” says Dominik Hirsch, Chairman of the TC, Kreuzlinger Forst. But first of all, open questions should be clarified between the Bavarian tennis Association and the government.