The many objections from citizens seem to have worked: The city of Weilheim is now reduced somewhat to the building regulations for the cleared garden to the South of the krumpper place. The large Linden tree near the road must be maintained.

Weilheim – Actually, the old city Council in April, would have about the controversial plan-to decide to Change, based on the total area between Krumpper and mostly Ranger seven new buildings allows. Four residential blocks, mostly of three storeys, are on the Eastern half of the private land is possible; the Regensburg “real estate center of upper Bavaria” wants to create a total of 30 apartments. However, now the Investor will have to reschedule. After the neighbors, and carriers of public interests was practised a new massive criticism of the planned extent of the compression, had to BfW and CSU requested in April, to discuss the issue again in Committee.

And this now proposed an Amendment to the development plan-Modification: The maximum area number (GRZ), which is in the current development plan of 0.40, should not, as planned, to 0.48, but to 0.44. At the same time will also be set to a maximum floor space ratio (GFZ), namely to 0.85. And: In the calculation of GRZ and GFZ – for all the plot parts apply to both – may the road surfaces are not included. Thus, the Bauwerber for the Eastern half will have to reduce its planning. The total living area in this part of the will lose around 450 square meters, calculated, the mayor, Markus Loth (BfW) on Thursday night in the first meeting since the inauguration of the new city Council.

The great Linden tree must be preserved

The city Council has adopted the Amendment to the development plan, the “upper city IIIb” with these modifications, unanimously voted. The stately lime, which remained in the Precipitates for the time being, spared will be set as “receive” festival, the Underground car Park needs to be rescheduled.

“I think that will contribute to the pacification of the process,” commented Loth the Changes. Horst Martin (SPD) was “glad that we got the cow a bit from the ice”. And Klaus guest (CSU) said: “It was the right one, the Whole again in peace to look at.” He would not blueprints, “implementing the requirements”.

also read: Medele-new building in Weilheim: Goes with less area?

a Good hour it took in the city Council, which weigh around 20 objections from citizens and institutions, received in the process. It was mainly criticized the density of the previously planned buildings – but also the approved and already were clearing. Spot gave him a “bleeding heart, as with this tree inventory was handled,” said Manuel Neulinger (Green). It is important to prevent “something once happened”.

a info sheet for tree protection?

So not during construction, and trees are damaged, called Romana Asam (FW), the DIN 18920 – the front of it to protect – in because home a Statute. According to Manfred Stork, head of the municipal administration, must comply with an information sheet, which the city has provided for all builders. However, Asams application will soon be discussed separately.

The scheduled calculation of the GRZ hooked Ullrich after Klinkicht (“because home Together”): “it Is always so, that an Investor will measure a higher density during the day, the public areas are included in the calculation?” “No,” said the city building Department: it was thought in this case, as a compensation for the fact that on the East property, the development to the rear West property (owned by a different owner) is. It had a building Committee decision to be given – which is now revised but.

interesting: AfD-the city Council wanted the asylum unit