In Munich, to be held in a more “Corona-Demo” at the Theresienwiese. It comes to the supposed limitation of the fundamental rights. The operators complain of harassment.

The Coronavirus dominated the life in Munich. Although it to Open the locker is the step of the gastronomy, there are some people dissatisfied with the measures taken by the government . For the Saturday (30. May), therefore, is once more a Demonstration on the Theresienwiese planned . The demonstrators have now made a a drastic step .

Update 21.32 PM: The Corona-Demo in München was calm and without nennbare between cases. Although the organizers wanted to bring a number of participants of 10,000 by a court and failed, came together once the officially approved 1,000 people. As more and more relaxations in force, no longer seem to be so many to protest against the measures.

Update, 16.53 PM: describes How the Munich police us, was the protest meeting on the Theresienwiese in the final Phase. In the tip have gathered estimates of approximately 1000 people , to demonstrate against the restriction of their fundamental rights. Significant Incidents? Fail display. The distances have been met, and the Assembly was peaceful.

Corona-Demo in Munich in cloudy weather: setback for organizers? Protests the air out

Update, 16.36 at: In many cities of Bavaria have demonstrated on Saturday against the, in their opinion, to be strict, Corona-measures . One of the largest gatherings took place in Munich, where on the Theresienwiese under the Motto, “stand Together for freedom, basic rights and self-determination,” estimated 700 people demonstrated. According to a police spokesperson, the Assembly was done quietly, the distance of the commandments have been adhered to. After a decision of the administrative court of not more than 1000 people were allowed to attend the event.

Update 14.45: , such As the Munich police force informs, at the request of is set the Start for today’s Demonstration on the Theresienwiese for 15 hours. In a few minutes so here we go. A week ago, the Demonstration had to be cancelled due to a storm in the short term – at the Moment it’s not in the Bavarian capital after a repetition of the storm.

Update from 30. May 13 at: failed After the organizers of the Demonstration had threatened on the Theresienwiese, in a rejection of the administrative court in the next instance, i.e. the administrative court, is now also the speed in the high court. The organiser must be satisfied in order to demonstrate instead of the 10,000 people registered, only 1000 protesters at the Theresienwiese.

Corona-Demo in München: application for a temporary injunction rejected – masses on the Theresienwiese expected

Update 29. May, 17.35 PM: Once again, Corona-Demo on the Theresienwiese is only approved for 1000 participants . This decision by the city has confirmed the administrative court again on Friday. As in the two weeks preceding the event, the organizer for Saturday (start: 15 PM) had a rally with 10,000 people at the Theresienwiese logged in . Motto of the meeting: “stand Together for freedom, basic rights and self-determination.” 16. Of may delivery the approved Demonstration, easily, around the Oktoberfest, however, 2500 people gathered in and to a large extent the minimum clearances had ignored

. Last Saturday, the event had to be cancelled because of a storm. Until then, far fewer than 1000 participants were present on the site. The organizers, however, criticise that the participation of willing can not get anywhere on the Wiesn.

+ police officers at the Munich Theresienwiese. ©dpa / Lino Mirgeler

The district administration unit (KVR) is still the view that in the case of a over 1000 in addition to the number of participants due to the infection protection applicable minimum clearances can be observed . These concerns are shared by the judiciary. In the judgment of Friday, it means that the organizers have not made a credible, to ensure the required hygiene measures . It is not apparent how 1000 folder, recruited and strategically trained to be. The organisers comply with the requirements of the KVR is disproportionate. Both the rigorous restriction of the number of participants over such a huge area as well as the identical court decisions be “grossly unconstitutional” , says a spokeswoman. The Demo-initiators want to move again before the Bavarian administrative court.

Corona-Demo in München: application for a temporary injunction

Update 12.03 PM: refused to participate, The Bavarian administrative court has decided: On the announced Demonstration on the Theresienwiese may continue to a maximum of 1000 people. The court rejected an emergency application filed by the organizer on Friday. He had demanded to allow 10,000 people to the Demonstration on the Theresienwiese. The court confirmed a decision of the provincial capital (LHM).

“The court is also of the concerns of the LHM, the organiser is unable to comply with the basis of the Bavarian infection protection regulation existing contact restrictions”, – stated in the message. Thus, the operator will go to the next step, the Bavarian administrative court.

first message of 29. May 2020

Munich – For many people, Corona-crisis . is also barely three months after the beginning of the “Lockdown” a ordeal A Munich Bar and has written to the owner about an open fire, the letter to the policy – it’s conditions for the food are a thorn in the eye. Another has not used the Chance to open it again carefully, in the first place. There are many people who are against the measures of the government against the Coronavirus – some of them want to be the in the context of a Demonstration on the Theresienwiese this weekend, re-manifest .

Munich: Corona-measures Demo to the Theresienwiese – a drastic step?

The Demonstration ” freedom. Fundamental rights and self-determination “ to take place on Saturday. It is already the third attempt on the Theresienwiese in Munich, the last one was cancelled because of an unexpected storm . Also this Time the organizers had logged on to the KVR (kreisverwaltungsreferat) 10,000 people – were allowed (as in recent times) only to 1,000. Therefore, the company now has a a drastic step selected and before the Bavarian administrative court lawsuit filed. The organizer wants to apply in the case of a refusal of the next instance, so the Bavarian administrative court.

Munich: Corona-Demo on the Theresienwiese – police on alert

For the police had been the first “ Corona-Demo ” as a total calm out. You had expected significantly more problems – the onlookers, however, had gathered around the site on the Theresienwiese , had been the official a thorn in the eye. It remains to be seen how the third attempt of the “Corona-Demo” developed in Munich.

Especially the gastronomy is affected by the Coronavirus crisis – some have already given up. Now a cult attracts Local from Munich, drastic consequences.

section list image:©dpa / Sven Hoppe