A glimmer of hope for culture lovers: On a free light stage at the highland hall wants to because home theatre-maker Andreas Arneth in July and August, “offer a small-Format” music, drama and readings as a replacement for all of the fancy events.

Weilheim – For weeks Andreas Arneth, Director of the weilheimer city theatre, is working on a concept, such as after the complete event-free months of Corona shutdown a cultural offer on the spot would be possible. It is not necessary to show “that the theatre is dead,” says the 56-Year-old, Heimer founded in 1999, together with the actress and Director Yvonne Brosch is the “because games”. At the same time, it is true, of course, the official requirements for protection against the Virus to adhere to, so appropriate safety measures, clearances, and standards of hygiene.

Also, clubs could the free light stage

“If the regulations remain so and no second wave is coming, we will definitely make what is,” says Arneth – “in a small Format,” he adds. On a small open-air stage on the great highland hall – in the courtyard to the right of the main entrance – he wants to offer in the summer, in the framework of the city’s cultural offer “a small alternative program”: music, readings, and “one, two theatre pieces,” in which one or two (living together) people standing on the stage; also for families and children should be something. The exact programme is being prepared.

We still waiting for official pronouncements of the state government, Arneth, however, discussions with the district office are already underway. In July and August should be played on the outdoor stage “as every weekend”. 30 to 50 seats, the organizer wants to create, of course, with one and a half to two meters distance. The stage will, in part fashioned from Scenes of last year’s “Brandner Kaspar”-staging “that creates atmosphere”. Also entertainment is planned. And in the rain, you could pay with the targeted visit to the city theater to Dodge. It is conceivable, according to Arneth, in addition, that individual Weilheimer clubs take advantage of the open-air stage – “if you stick to the facts”.

“Theater without an audience is not a Theater”

Parallel to this, the theatre Director is working on the further planning for the town’s theatre, its operation is currently set completely. They wanted to develop the models, “that help all of us to keep the window cultural life,” writes Arneth on the website stadttheater-weilheim.de and it is aimed directly to the audience: “We need you, because theatre without an audience is no theatre!”

The current location in the city theatre

Since March, the company is in Weilheim-based city theater set up because of the Corona pandemic. Waiting for new regulations. For the theatre-subscription of the city, the situation is as follows: For the loss of guest games “Eight women” and “The doll” are alternative dates at the beginning of October and mid-November in the room. The productions of the Weilheimer festival (“Is this not my life?” from 16. October, and “lies like a corpse” from 12. December) will take place as planned. Subscriber can keep, according to the theatre Director Arneth “with us so long, until we are sure can be played or not”. Subscriptions and selling tickets keep their validity.

Who, however, wants the Pro-rata refund of the entrance fee already, you can send an E-Mail to andreas.arneth@weilheim.de contact. There was a General “lead – in and security concepts,”in compliance with the prescribed distances of 1.5 to 2 meters prepared for it. The festival should not be possible, wants to Arneth expand the series “Theater Off”. For the next few weeks planned ideas of other organizers are, for the time being cancelled for the most part. For the Show, “game of life” are targeted new appointments at the end of November.

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