On his 90. Birthday approached, repels Clint Eastwood on US television with a few words. “I don’t think about it”, hemmed and hawed for the Oscar-winner in the talk show of Ellen DeGeneres last December. Actually, he did not want to betray the event. On Sunday, the round anniversary is to forget the Hollywood Star, according to the words of his second oldest daughter, Alison (48) the most. “He hates his birthday,” said the actress in the previous October, the US magazine “Closer”. He just wanted to work, be enjoy life, but do not celebrate. A request from the dpa at East woods, spokesman for the team, as the Star of the day will commit, remained without the answer.

Clint Eastwood is still on the film set

DeGeneres, Eastwood was able to elicit in an Interview, but a comment to the age. As a small Boy he had spent with his 90 year old grandfather a lot of time and thinking, ‘Jesus, who the hell wants to live so long’, quipped the gray-haired screen star. But first and foremost, Eastwood wanted to talk to the TV appearance on the work, be 38. Director’s Work “The Case Of Richard Jewell”.

From the retirement of Eastwood wants to know nothing. He treasures it to earn a living from film work, money, he told in January in the British Show “This Morning”. To be for as long as possible in the business, he started in addition to acting with directing. “I thought one day I look at the screen and say ‘That’s enough Eastwood, better to do something else’.” He had become a Director. imago images/Everett Collection Clint Eastwood and actor Sam Rockwell on the Set of the film “Richard Jewell”

From the Cowboy to the old drug courier

But even as the End-Eighties he made on the canvas is still a good figure. In the drug Thriller “The Mule” (2019), he played the main role of an old drug courier, from the true history of the old US-smuggler, inspired, and transported in his Truck for a Mexican cartel cocaine across the border.

The son of a steel worker from San Francisco for over 60 years in front of the camera. His unparalleled career began in 1959 as a Cowboy in the Western series “Rawhide”. Then he made as a merciless avenger in Sergio Leone’s spaghetti Western “For a fistful of dollars”, “For a few dollars more” and “Two glorious scoundrels” and as a tough COP (Dirty Harry) created a sensation.

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His work in Director: Fast and inexpensive

roles To tens of Action, usually as a taciturn Hero, showed Eastwood in the 90s as a performer and Director is a sensitive and complex page. In the melancholic Romance of “The bridges on the river,” he was the lover of a lonely wife, played by Meryl Streep. Eastwood produced the Film and directed.

With the Western epic “Unforgiven” (1993) and the Box – and the help of drama “Million Dollar Baby” (2005) Die, he came to Hollywood over 60 years, finally to the highest honor. His four Oscars he won as a producer and Director with these two works.

Eastwood produced quickly and economically. “Million Dollar Baby” he turned in 37 days with a Budget of only $ 30 million. “I’m lucky that I can still work,” thanked the multi-talent in the Oscar night in 2005, for his double victory. Almost every year he presented since then, a new Director works, including the war drama “Letters From Iwo Jima” and “Flags of our Fathers”, the political Film “Invictus”, the managed sharp drama “American Sniper” or “Sully protect” with Tom Hanks as a Pilot Chesley Sully, 2009, a spectacular ditching.

Clint Eastwood: a cult Star and outsider,

In the Hollywood of Old, enjoys-Star cult status. As Arnold Schwarzenegger in the previous December on Instagram a photo posted on your skis in front of snow-capped mountains, it gave prompt applause. US colleague, Jim Belushi commented on the picture simply: “icons”. Actor Rob Lowe said: “Mount-Rushmore-Level” and a reminder of the famous monument with the portrait heads of four U.S. presidents.

But Eastwood is in the liberal Hollywood at the same time, outsider. On “political correctness”, the Ex-mayor of the Californian town of Carmel have no value. On the one hand, he is an advocate for liberal issues such as gay marriage, on the other hand, he supported in the election campaign traditionally, the Republicans, in 2016, even Donald Trump. imago images/ZUMA Press Eastwood in December, 2019

He regards the choice as a “difficult” would decide against trump’s democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, said Eastwood at the time, in the run-up to the presidential elections four years ago, the men’s magazine “Esquire”. In this February, Eastwood exercised in an Interview with the “Wall Street Journal” but public criticism of Trump. The internal politics had become a “quarrel in prison”. He wished Trump would behave better, “to tweet without the need to vaccinate people,” said Eastwood, and praised the multi-billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who was at this time still for the presidential candidacy of the Democrats in the race, but dropped out.

East woods son is following in his footsteps

The two divorced Eastwood father of eight children, with six partners. His second marriage with the news anchor Dina was 2014 divorced. As Eastwood 2018 celebrated the Premiere of his film “The Mule”, he brought, among other things, his sons Scott and Kyle, daughter Alison, Ex-wife Maggie Johnson, a grandson, daughter, and girlfriend Christina San’dera to the reception in Los Angeles.

From the own offspring of the celebrity father gets long competition. East woods youngest son, Scott (34) last played in movies like “Fast & Furious 8” and “Pacific Rim: Uprising”. In the Romance “No place without you” (2015), he performed with a lumberjack shirt and cowboy hat, his father, the spitting image of. Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington, set the bourgeois world in flames PCP Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington, the civil world in flames
