track works cause currently seemed to be repeated between Miesbach, Bayrischzell. We got in touch, what is actually done exactly.

Miesbach/Bayrischzell – punctuality on the Railways is not, of course. The track construction company Emeran Braun, the of Friday, 5., until Monday, 15. June, on behalf of DB Netz AG on the Bayrischzell train station access is contractually obliged to do so. “If the trains don’t run to the agreed time, it is expensive for us,” says supervisor John Deininger.

late On Friday, the company begins with the renewal of the tracks 1 and 2 on a length of 150 meters. Rails, Sleepers and ballast is to be exchanged, reported by Deininger. Also a huge tamping machine is used, which distributes the material of the stone, with a plow and with pimples compacted.

also read: New trains for BOB – sample operation

To the tight schedule, running pushes the crew from Friday, 5., until Monday, 8. June, also night shifts. “We don’t do this, but the web gives us only a narrow corridor to,” says Deininger. For Train passengers will be set up during the period of construction, a rail replacement service with buses between Schliersee and Bayrischzell. For more information on The Parking lot at the B 307 between Alpine road and the mayor of Kastl is as a warehouse for building materials from now on, up to and including Saturday, 25. June, locked.

The BOB disappears and becomes the BRB: Bavarian Regiobahn Oberland

The Miesbacher have the track works soon behind. 29. May has converted the company Xaver Pittrich soft here in the South of the station, two of Wood on concrete and also on a length of 500 meters of the rail with new ballast stabilized. No later than Thursday, 4. June, to be released the railway track again. With the information policy of the railway some residents, however, were dissatisfied, reported: Verena Assum (CSU) in the city Council. Unlike communicates the Work had already in the night from 27. on the 28. Began in may this year. On demand from our newspaper, the responsible company shall inform that it was merely the site set-up on the ice-rink car Park. This is largely the “low noise” is.