Since the diesel scandal, the Status of the automobile is the Germans ‘ favorite child arg to falter. That is not enough: The COVID-19 pandemic does not harm the purchasing power of the customers. Hundreds of thousands of new cars and many used cars are out of the yards of the car houses the wheels. The Central Association German motor vehicle trade (ZDK) estimated solely for the value of the new car to around 14.8 billion euros.

Nearly 15 million cars, is currently without a buyer

the claim of The Mouthpiece of the German car dealer clearly. “We need a quick decision on the policy for a purchase premium, which must include, in any case, all new vehicles and young Used with the eco-friendly combustion engines of the latest emissions standards,” says ZDK-Vice-President Thomas Peckruhn, and adds alarming: “The current impasse is deteriorating rapidly, the situation in the trade.” The automobile dealers Association underlines this sense of Alarm with some hard Figures: The number of days for used cars rose in April compared to the same month last year by 17.2 percent to an average of 109 days. According to calculations of the Deutsche Automobil Treuhand (DAT) to fall in the automotive trade, for a cost of 28 euros per day and vehicle. The big Focus Online auto market (display) you can now Find your suitable car Audi A6 in the Test: a Plug-in Hybrid Diesel – almost always PCP Audi A6 fails in the Test: a Plug-in Hybrid Diesel – almost always

28 Euro per day and per car

For the CDU-Europe proposes deputies Dennis Radtke are now demanded by the automotive manufacturer to correct the course to the car dealers and the suppliers. In dealing with these two partners would be moved to the “for years, risks and market power is exploited in a way that I consider to be shabby,” complains Radtke. Supposedly be hearing from some merchants that the sales targets, the manufacturer would not be corrected, even though the market had collapsed. A discount battle would have to pour further Oil into the fire. “Given the already narrow margins in the trade, and, in addition, the crisis-related shortness of breath of farms, the Start of the discount would be battles right now commercially irresponsible and would be for many companies to a bad end”, so Peckruhn. Manufacturer’s new-car production at Audi. A lot of models due to production failures, long delivery times, but also the demand remains uncertain.

you Ask car dealers, you come across a wall of secrecy and fortress mentality that runs through all brands and sizes of car trade. “We do, in principle, no statements”, – said in unison. The unusual aloofness of the car dealerships shows, how deep the uncertainty is seated. No one wants to bite the Hand that feeds him. Even if the pieces are getting smaller and smaller, and the punches getting harder. The dangers lurk everywhere. “Really threatening repurchase obligations from fleet stores can be but if this be done at an inconvenient time and in larger quantities. Since only one conversation with the fleet customers, helping then to the withdrawals, for example, over a longer period of time to stretch,“ says Arthur Kipferler of the strategy consultancy Berylls. Here, the Auto-Newsletter

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time bomb fleet business

In the case of VW trying everything they can to prevent this impending plate of the Tsunami, and sweeps only once in front of the own door. As the “automotive week” reported, has increased the lower Saxony car manufacturer, the holding period of its 30,000 service cars from eight to 15 months. This rule only applies to models that do not rank in the favor of motorists on top of that. Otherwise the thing looks in electrified cars, are in hot demand. To do this, E-Up, E-Golf and Hybrid Golf GTE and Passat GTE include. “The measure is, in our opinion, more reassuring than disconcerting, as the pressure is taken off the market. In addition, the time-adapted offer control with the result that of the resale, in accordance with the macro-economic forecasts – can take place under much more favourable economic conditions. Overall, the measure is, therefore, well understood and residual value considerations make sense,“ explains Maarten Baljet, residual value Analyst at Bähr & Fess Forecasts. VW makes Audi, if this go well FOCUS Online VW makes Audi if that’s all right

Apparently, all the traders not to suffocate under the avalanche. Some car salespeople suffer from under-supply. “According to our observations, the glut is not a General phenomenon – we all know traders who have more of a “drought” and under-supply of important models of anxiety. Finally, customers are able to generate interest and orders, without the new-car deliveries, not sales,“ shows Arthur Kipferler the other side of the coin, which is due to the production stops in the works for some car dealerships to the Problem.

From the supply shortage, the traders, the early on online sales and so the business kept are affected. The mixed picture continues, the used cars, because some customers want to be horror because of the COVID-19 pandemic, prior to use of public transport back and now have a car to get, although they previously had none. “Surveys show that many currently car-free licence holders are considering, or even for the first time, a vehicle purchase,” said Arthur Kipferler.

purchase premium: EU is preferable to the E-cars – the Germans think different

buy premiums for cars, meanwhile, is highly controversial. While the industry, as well as the Minister President of Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and lower Saxony, and countries such as France, have just announced new rewards are economic experts in Germany, as well as environmental organizations, in whole or in part against it. The Alternative claims range from General mobility premiums to total economic programs, which better the purchasing power as a whole is increased. The 12 biggest mistakes the speed limit on the highway PCP The 12 biggest mistakes the speed limit on the highway

The Mega-funding program of the EU 750 billion euros will be created by creating Debt out of Nothing and then to Central in Brussels set out plans in the member countries are distributed – can be found, however, that it should certainly give financial support – especially for electric mobility. It is remarkable that exactly seems to be the will of the people. As several polls show, oppose many of the German purchase premiums in General . Although many of the respondents are in favour of it, don’t want to do that but depending on a particular engine type. Seen in this way, a non-electric cars are fixed buy a premium would cause, if it keeps the government because the need is actually a higher demand effect on the car market as a pure E-car premium.

the Ifo Institute: the car-buying premium only in the short term, effectively

The Ifo-Institute published meanwhile, on Monday a study of the potential impact of a scrappage scheme. The conclusion of economic experts: they would be of no help, but would only make a “straw fire”: “scrapping premiums boost in the short term, the car sales in the medium term more vehicles will be disposed of.” The big Focus Online auto market (display) you can now Find your suitable car

For the study, have evaluated the experts 15 studies, the scrappage schemes introduced in Germany, Spain, the USA and other countries. Almost all of the studies showed, therefore, that many consumers would have preferred due to the premium for just car purchases that were already planned. “Would you calculate the Dax seasonal, he would stand at 35,000 points” FOCUS Online “Would be to calculate the Dax seasonal, he would stand at 35,000 points a” Giant Constrictor snake has a young deer in its grip until the tide of PCP has a Huge Constrictor snake young deer firmly in the handle until the blade
