Since the 27. April mask of duty, a minimum of in trade and transport is in Germany nationwide. At the beginning professional surgical masks in short supply, many have now become creative and have made use of the myriad of patterns that are circulating now on the net – own makeshift masks, so – called Community Masks,.

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While many have to rely only rarely on the mouth protection, for example because they work from home or on the private car as a means of transportation may use, will need to spend the other days under the mask. This can be a great challenge, both physically and mentally.

FOCUS Online would therefore like to know: How do you do the mask duty? You have preferences – see, for example, cloth masks are less comfortable than disposable masks? Or you live in a state in which you are allowed to use Face Shields?

Write us your experiences

In social media are the various face-coverings lengthens topic of conversation. Some people complain about skin rashes, and other features about covered-eye circles. Almost all have in common: they have an individual Community Mask.

The decorate, therefore, currently too many profile pictures on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. You seem to be the fashion accessory in 2020: Whether it’s flowers, owls, hearts, or fantasy patterns, in almost every household, there are you now. Some complain, however, that the simple act of Breathing drops below the even-sewn masks are difficult, even fear, that you health could be at risk of damage due to the masks.

I Can carry through the Re-Inhalation of the emitted air damage?

in fact, there is between the mask and the mouth of a small hollow space, the so-called dead space, explains lung doctor Dominic Dellweg of the German society for pneumology and respiratory medicine, in an interview with FOCUS Online. Mask-makers to breathe a part of the inhaled air.

“but that is so small that it is negligible,” says Dellweg. There is no risk of too much CO2 to breathe in there.

the problem could be, but for people with pre-existing conditions and young children – but not because of the re-inhaled CO2, but because of the strained respiratory muscles, might be too much. “Then, mind respiration, and the CO2 content in the blood threatening to rise,” explains Dellweg. In the case of small children, is also the ratio of lung volume to the dead space is behind the mask unfavorable, “a reason why the mask duty until 6. Birthday“. More to the Coronavirus

– Once masks are more comfortable than fabric masks?

Self-made mouth protectors are usually made of thicker cloth than disposable masks. Many carriers suspect that is why, to get including bad air. Community masks, however, are not as dense as surgical masks and often have a lower airway resistance, which should make Breathing in principle even easier. The risk of exhaled CO2 to breathe, is still lower than in the case of surgical masks, explains pulmonologist Dellweg.

however, He noted: surgical masks have special webs with charged surfaces. The so-called electrostatic forces. The filter performance of these membranes can increase, without increasing the resistance.

“that is why surgical masks have a good filter performance and a relatively low breathing resistance. These electrostatic forces lose, however, if moisture comes into play – for example, after a long Wear. Because the air we breathe contains a lot of moisture.“ Also when Washing the electrostatic forces collapse in on itself – therefore you can’t make these forces in the case of Community-masks-to-Use.

I Can, instead of a face mask with a plastic visor to wear?

may those Who want to wear instead of a Mouth guard is a plastic visor that not everywhere in Germany. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) points out that the so-called Face Shields meet the requirements of the Federal office for pharmaceuticals and medical products (BfArM).

This declares that an adequate mouth, nose cover (MNB) via the mouth, nose and cheeks to be placed as closely as possible to concerns. So to prevent that air flows on the sides over. The could not afford visors – you could “max the directly on the disc occurring droplets of the field”.

The RKI declared: “The use of visors may not be considered, therefore, in our opinion, as an equivalent Alternative to the MNB.”

Reported corona virus cases in Germany (click on your state)

visor instead of a mask: In these länder, it is allowed

most of The länder are based on the recommendations of the RKI and the BfArM. A few, nevertheless, permit the Wearing of visors instead of masks. It is allowed, for example, in the state of Hesse. So the added about the Ministry of social Affairs, that instead of a mask in the classical sense, a face visor should be allowed.

similarly, in Rhineland-Palatinate and Hamburg. A spokesman for the Hamburg health authority, explained on demand in the “Hamburger Morgenpost”: “As the mouth-nose cover counts every covering of mouth and nose, which is due to their nature, regardless of the marking or certified protection category, which is suitable to reduce a propagation of transmitting droplets, particles, or aerosols by coughing, Sneezing, or debate.” These requirements would comply with the visors as well.

In Schleswig-Holstein there is also a special arrangement: The public transportation is enough of a sight, in all the remaining areas must also be a fabric mask worn.

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