the Deputy head of the crisis unit, Claudia Schröder said. After Wednesday, the number of positive Tests, on Tuesday was 80, it was on Wednesday according to information of the city of Göttingen, 105.

The city continues to assume that the people Affected especially in the case of a Meeting in private premises with the Virus have been infected. “We know that the outbreak, with multiple private family celebrations into context,” said city spokeswoman Cordula Dankert on Tuesday. Also what happened in an illegally opened Shisha Bar, is investigated.

Coronavirus in göttingen hookah-Bar spread

according to A new report, according to which the Coronavirus suspected at the sugar festival (Festival of breaking the fast) at the 23. or 24. May have used in the göttingen mosque, she could not confirm. The role of a hookah Bar that was illegally opened and is now threatening a fine, is also unclear. “We will follow up all evidence that we have, and try to get a comprehensive picture,” said Dankert.

But: “chains is a Top priority at the Moment, the tracking of the Infection.” Nevertheless, to examine whether Affected against Hygiene and the spacing rule is violated.

105 people a positive effect on Covid-19 tested – the mayor speaks of “a number of large family associations”

so Far, at least 105 people have been positive to Sars-CoV-2 tested. The city announced on Wednesday. According to the town of 230 people in the city and district of Göttingen, and 140 in the rest of lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia in quarantine are out of date.

“There are several large family associations – not one, but several cause of this Situation,” said göttingen’s mayor, Rolf-Georg Köhler (SPD) on Tuesday. In the framework of the Zuckerfests there had been a “private greetings and celebrations,” said Köhler. In this context, a hookah Bar have played “a significant role”. There are several people should have smoked with a mouthpiece. Swen Pförtner/dpa The Iduna-centre in the city centre of Göttingen

The authorities in Göttingen, working hard to make all of the people who were with the Infected contact. Therefore, the complete residential complex, in which many of the people involved lived, Tests are subjected to now. Around 700 of these Tests are to be carried out and would being prepared, informed the city on Tuesday. All of the identified contact persons in the city and district of Göttingen would have received a Quarantine, and are encouraged to take the test. Further contacts were found in Salzgitter, Osnabrück or the Eichsfeld circle. They had been informed.

school closings due to Corona-onset

The Corona-onset also has farreaching consequences for several hundred students in Göttingen. Among the contact persons in the first degree, also 57 children and young people, were the city announced on Monday evening. On Tuesday evening it was said that among the previously known Infected 24 children. In order to prevent further spread, close to the city, therefore, all of the göttingen schools, and some in the district this week. Then there is a two-week mask of duty. Four nurseries to remain.

in Addition, the schools would pay attention in the future on the signs of the disease. A student should be tested positive for the Coronavirus, were all classmates and their teachers as the persons to contact in the first degree, a quarantine available.

First of all, the speech,

was a of 36 Infected What exactly is happening in the Shisha Bar, is still unclear. A spokeswoman for the city of Göttingen, the stand on Monday, according to information previously only: The Bar had not opened, although it was due to the Corona-pads actually still. And Several people who sufferers later Covid-19, were in the Bar. You are there to have in common from a water pipe Smoking, such as the “HAZ” reported. The Director of the göttingen crisis staff, Petra Broistedt, said according to the newspaper, the behaviour of the men was a “disaster”. “The Bar was closed, now a fine procedure is being reviewed,” said city spokeswoman Cordula Dankert.

On Monday, the authorities in Göttingen continue to work hard to make all of the people who were with the Ill contact. By noon, a total of 310 people were identified, including dozens of children and young people to now all in strict quarantine. “You are not allowed to leave their homes, even for shopping,” said city spokeswoman Cordula Dankert. First of all, the 36-Corona-Infected had been the speech.

with the exception of the illegally opened Shisha Bar to have a majority of the other parties Concerned in, or after a number of larger private family celebrations to be infected. The crisis team leader said that family associations would be made with a supra-regional respect from large Parts of lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia, obviously, last weekend. In this case, the distance bid had not been complied with. On Tuesday, the first infections were detected.

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Coronavirus outbreak in Göttingen: “We take the Situation very seriously,”

All the contact persons need to now test. Alone: Some people have not appeared, according to the city, in spite of verbal prompt by the health Department for testing. The invitation follows in writing, in case of no show a penalty threatens.

And what are the consequences of the case are now? In Göttingen, the city wants to first wait for the results of all Tests before it is decided. “It depends on how the Tests went. We take the Situation very seriously, but all other measures depend on how the test results look,” said city spokeswoman Dankert.

The lower Saxony land government, in spite of the new Corona cases in Gottingen, so far, no need, by Easing move away. “The action does not change our plan at the Moment, nothing,” said on Monday the Deputy government spokesperson Kathrin Riggert.

Giant Constrictor snake has a young deer in its grip until the tide PCP Giant Constrictor snake has a young deer in its grip to turn the page

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