FOCUS Online : Sigi Heinrich, you are for over 30 years, sports commentator at Eurosport. In the new Podcast series, “verbal athletes”, you will look back on their unique career. There’s a Moment in your career when you say this was the most emotional for me?

Sigi Henry: As Muhammad Ali at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta from the stadium-catacombs came and due to his Parkinson’s disease, trembling, the Olympic flame has ignited. As it was to me quite different. It is the tears running down his cheeks for me. I’m not ashamed of it. As a commentator, it is important that you can immerse yourself in a deep, not just scratch the surface and tried to self-look good, but also of yourself a little price. That’s probably also the success. dpa For the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996, Muhammad Ali was the Olympic flame ignite

FOCUS Online : you are the heart blood sports reporter, known for her passionate style and price received in 2008, representing Eurosport German TV. The Münchner Merkur described them in 2018, even as a “Rockstar of Eurosport”.

Henry: I’m a regular commenter and not a TV star. There was in my 30-year-old Eurosport career just so many great moments that were quite small, but for me personally a very big impact. Then there were moments like Usain bolt’s 100-meters-fabulous world record in Berlin in 2009, you will overcome. I don’t think anymore then about the Comment, but it shoots out of me. How it shoots in the case of Usain Bolt in the muscles, so it shoots out at me from the tongue. If I me after listening to, then I often think: ‘Sigi, a little less would have been good.’ But that is not possible, because one is in such a Moment really is the master of his senses. Afterwards, I often hear that this emotional Comment on just what is pleasing to the audience so much.

Sigi Heinrich to Corona: “The existence of fear was always present,”

FOCUS Online In the current Corona-crisis Live sports the last few months, a lack of goods. How hard is it for you, if there is to comment on any Live sports?

Henry: It is a great vacuum, I admit. Where previously a full appointment calendar, glows for me now is a blank sheet. I personally had very heavy days. My colleagues and bosses at the station have noticed that and encouraged me and helped me. I guess it very much and touched me. Because it is in such difficult phases, of course.

FOCUS Online : Now the first wave of the Corona flattens pandemic. What are the main insights that take you from the crisis?

Henry: The crisis has shown me how little you need to live. The consumer behaviour has changed completely. Suddenly, gratitude came up again, that one is alive at all. The traffic was less. Walk to the grocer and back. Calm returned, but at the same time a certain restlessness. The existence of fear was always omnipresent. No sports, no revenue. Fortunately, this was not entirely new to me. I already had to survive a couple of Times of such difficult situations. And that I have mastered it also helped me this time. Rosemarie Bugmann Eurosport commentator Sigi Heinrich

FOCUS Online Were the fierce Lockdown restrictions, right?

Henry: I was locked up suddenly, in my apartment in Italy and experienced a much more uncompromising Lockdown than in Germany. In retrospect, seen with the now gained, the restrictions were properly and are out of the question. We have learned that distance is the most Important. This was not only with rigorous restrictions, because the self-responsibility of the people is strong enough.

Henry hope: “Simple and clear – only Sport”

FOCUS Online : Make up your own thoughts about your health and the risk of Corona?

Henry: no, not really. I have supported all measures that were issued, because only if everyone participated consistently, we were able to have against the Virus a Chance, especially as we simply knew too little about. I feel healthy, have a lot of weight during the crisis, even though I could make no Sport, Yes in the beginning time, the apartment was able to leave. However, the crisis has also taught discipline. I protect me, to protect others. But this self-understanding seems to me to be too little available.

FOCUS Online : the summer Olympic games were delayed by a year. Will be in Tokyo in 2021 everything is back to normal?

Henry: I can’t look in a Corona glass ball, therefore I can make no forecast. I suspect, however, that there are other games. With even less contact with the athletes, which is limited at the Olympic Games already to a Minimum. With even greater security measures, especially in the entrance areas. With fever and a lot of disinfectant. There are no easy games, so I hope that it will be a modest games. No fireworks, and any other shindig. Simple and clear. The Only Sport. And who knows whether we may ever reports from Tokyo directly and to. This certainly depends to a decisive extent of Corona development. Eurosport commentator Henry: “Sometimes I even scare myself” FOCUS Online Eurosport commentator Henry: “Sometimes I even scare myself”

FOCUS Online How you can prevent that in the next year at the Olympics the athletes are infecting each other?

Henry: It can only work if there’s a more normal sport, everyday life has returned, and we all know that the risk of Infection is no longer given. As long as there is a spark of uncertainty, you can no games, or you have to move again. Then we will have in 2022, twice the Olympic games. This used to be already so.

Henry: “My dream? Conclusion at the Olympic games 2028 in Los Angeles”

FOCUS Online : What are the opportunities for the Sport after the Corona-crisis? What you need to do better?

Henry: of the DOSB, and in a much greater degree is required, as that seems to be far from the case. It is concepts have to be created to allow any Olympic Sport. Rowers may long oars. Paddlers already paddling, diver jumping into the water, hockey players are active. As a continuous red line shows then, unfortunately, missing again, that the Amateur sport, he is still such, acts also amateurish, if at all. And then the topic is sport. The Association as a truly socially relevant Institution is currently left entirely alone. The Sport as the axis of the community disappears from the field of view. Children’s gymnastics, women’s gymnastics, senior sports, everything lies fallow. The consequences of this are not yet clear. Reuters/Jae C. Hong/AP/dpa for The Olympic games in Tokyo in 2021

FOCUS Online be moved If you have a desire for the time after the Corona-pandemic, what is it?

Henry: a Pity that it can only be a desire. I would have a lot to be desired. For me, for my friends, for the Sport. Personally, I wish that I can spend in the future alive and kicking a lot of time with my girlfriend.

FOCUS Online : And how long can we hear you on the microphone?

Henry: So my dream is that I can tell, Yes time to put the final point in my career as a sports reporter with the Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 2028. Maybe it will end with Paris in 2024, I could imagine well, and would also be tragic. But Los Angeles, that would be a Highlight. It is also, of course, to me, to my state of health, which is currently fortunately great. A life without commentators-cabin, without a Headset and without a microphone, I can’t even imagine – my Job makes me so much fun. About Sigi Heinrich

Sigi Heinrich is one of the best-known sports commentators in Germany, and since the station was founded in 1989 with Eurosport. For more than 30 years, Henry accompanied the competitions on Eurosport-micro and commenting on others, Biathlon, track and field, gymnastics and figure skating, as well as the opening and Closing ceremonies at the Olympic Games. After his sports studies at the TU Munich, he worked for six years as a local journalist and seven years as a sports editor at the “süddeutsche Zeitung”, was a freelancer in Radio and sports Director for Pro7, and has already published several books. Together with Dirk Thiele and Sigi Heinrich received on behalf of the Eurosport-Olympic editorial team of the German television award in 2008 for the Olympic coverage from Beijing. In the new Eurosport Podcast series, “verbal athlete” looks back to the earlier gymnast now on his unique career and reveals, among other things, his most emotional Moment as well as his dream of Olympic 2028 in Los Angeles.

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