Pullachs citizens of house Manager Hannah ridge, Mayer has dedicated her heart to the culture and your job. She sits at the interface between Theater – and concert-goers on the one hand and the artist on the other side. Both are not affected on their way from the corona of a crisis, what makes Hannah ridge Mayer unaffected.

Pullach – you refer in your plea in the municipal journal on the culture that’s happening to us.

I practice a bit of criticism in the media, because they currently have little Material. You are in a similar Dilemma as the artist.

to what Extent?

The artists tried themselves in new formats in the digital domain. I think it’s quite problematic, I must say. Because there is a saturation, and the viewers do not want to see that. The great enthusiasm for the digitisation is to be treated with caution, because the artist does not proceed in an area where you are away from home.

are you an interface from which you can view the development from all sides.

Yes, and I think that we have a cultural political assignment as a Department of culture. The creative economy is an economic factor with significance. It contributes three per cent of the gross domestic product. The Federal Ministry for economic Affairs and energy is known. Our industry is in terms of value-added is more important than the chemical industry and has a turnover of around 100 billion euros per year. I investigated the question of whether the culture system is relevant. The Numbers in any case the clearly show. The Problem, in the case of a loss of culture remain the content. This culture is what makes the mind agile, which dictates behavior patterns. And what lists are also deterrent examples about which you can write and what can be discussed. It is a rich food for the mind, and we can’t get in the temptation to deal only with trivial issues. In the literature, everything is much more contoured than in real life.

you have personal preferences determined?

we Take the case of the “rise and fall of the city of Mahagonny” by Bertolt Brecht, a gold mining town, and compare it to Pullach. You gambled everything, because it’s too good and you device to the Dilemma. Or another example: Michael Kohlhaas by Kleist. As someone who is fighting due to a sense of Fairness. As a result, he leads to Ruin. Here you have a Council discussion about Power and powerlessness. And everyone wants justice, but what is, if I am aiming for so long, until I’m ruined? The Michael Kohlhaas are starved his horses. Or the honor of Katharina Blum. Here, a woman is a murderer. First of all, you will be torn to shreds by the media and cornered. Because something wrong is once in circulation, no longer belongs to one’s own word and it takes its own direction. All current topics, about which it is worth to discuss.

This means that you also see with concern the development in Pullach?

Yes. Nothing is logical, everything is psychological. There are many individuals with sensitivity and their own perspective, and everyone’s kind of right. And now there is Instrumentalization, but in a power struggle is at the end of the politically Stronger. Old Game. The Idealist is not going to perhaps even. Nevertheless, everyone goes out with a damage.

the house of a citizen from the corona time, do you have a forecast?

The experience that I do: The customers that buy the cards, write us so many letters. You can look forward to a new season and have a tremendous need for culture. You make the artists. Some are very far-sighted and say: “If we do nothing now for the artists, there are you later, if we need you.” For now, structures break down, if the artist pull back. The building work is extremely difficult. To the artist as individual fighters have a market value, it will take a very long time.

there Are artists that would have occurred in Pullach and complain the default is now painful?

Yes, of course. We have also engaged which are a relatively new and young and not yet established. We operate a building work. At a high level. And the artists had no opportunity for reserves to build up. For you to existence, it is hazardous. My event planning extends over several years: Now it is so that we move with the season exactly a year. But also all bookings that have already been made for 2021, will be held. It is a culturally, therefore, rich in spring, between March and July 2021. If it is possible. I hope and am confident that the visitors accept the higher density.