Sara Schwartz is a trained ballet dancer and has received her first Engagement. However, the Corona-crisis broke their dreams in the air.

For Sara Schwartz is ballet your life. The 19-year-old Haimhauserin is a trained dancer and has received her first Engagement. However, the Corona-crisis made a dash through the bill.

Haimhausen – It looks quite simple, if Sara Schwartz hovering in their top shoes over the parquet. Her body is completely tense, the fingers and toes stretched to the tips. “That was improvised, only briefly,” she says with a mischievous Grin.

If Sara Schwartz ballet dancing, then she is in her Element. “I don’t know what I would be without ballet,” says the 19-Year-old. Schwartz comes from Haimhausen. At many schools, including in London, she learned to dance. In addition to the completion of the baccalaureate at night school, completed last year, the Ballett-Akademie of the Hochschule for music and theatre in Munich and, finally, with the Bachelor of Arts.

First Engagement for Sara Schwartz: “the cancellation of the tour is a shock”

long work paid off. This year, she landed her first role as a ballet dancer at the Swiss “Offspring Ballet” – a company for young dancers. However, the Corona-crisis dissolved the plans of the young Haimhauserin in the air. “The cancellation was for all of us a shock, because we have not expected it,” she says. “We had put together a 70-minute program for our tour through Italy and Switzerland, and for the General sample to be held.”

Instead of the stage performances Sara Schwartz had to train in Haimhausen. “I tried to keep myself as good as possible with Cross-Training and Jogging in the Form,” she says. The head of the “Offspring Ballets” asked the dancers to do this exercise videos available. “Regardless, we have taken dancers to us on Zoom and Pilates made.”

Good news for Sara Schwartz: she was allowed to return on the last Sunday in Switzerland

After many weeks of virtual training, a good news came for Sara Schwartz last Friday, she was allowed to drive on Sunday back to Switzerland. “After the Tour in Italy was cancelled, are the Directors of the Offspring Ballets’ in it ‘ and have found replacement appointments in Zurich,” she says.

But some of the dancers can no longer return to the company. “A couple came from new Zealand and Spain,” says Schwartz. “Therefore, we need to rewrite the program so that we can perform it in a reduced Form.” However, you can’t imagine how a Pas de Deux, a couple dance is to take place. “I wondered how dancing works without physical contact,” she says. “But since we live all together in a house, it will be unnecessary, the Problem is most likely.”

“I do not understand this inequality, because the work performance is on a comparable level,”

The Dancing is Sara Schwartz’ job. You put a lot of work – that’s why you can’t understand it, why some athletes, such as footballers, their profession, rather, permitted to exercise than others. “I don’t understand this inequality, because the work performance is on a comparable level,” says Schwartz. “This is not appreciated in the Public, often value, also with regard to the payment. And that hurts a bit.“

Nevertheless, you can think of nothing else. Her big dream is to dance someday at the “Nederlands Dans Theater”. “That would be the ultimate goal, because the ballet is at the highest level,” she says.

Sara Schwartz: “All of them have to return to the Dance as a means of communication”

Now you will be happy again, in the cosmopolitan world of dance. “I like it well, that we are an international family, and all of them have means to Dance as a form of communication,” says Schwartz. She speaks four languages: German, English, Italian and French. So it is perfectly prepared for the world of dance – no matter where you are in the next few years will land.
