Strong teeth are essential for humans, because they join with the jaw bone each day to work hard: When Chewing, a pressure of 80 to 100 kg rests on the jaw bone. “Due to this strong stress, cracks, and Defects often occur at the bone,” says Dr. Lutz Spanka, Master of Science in implantology and dental surgery and orthodontics in the dental center of Northwest in Hude.

The good news: , The body can repair these Defects most of the time. To do this, he needs enough minerals. If there is a lack of the body, it can cause the teeth to become loose. “A well-balanced diet and a nutritional Supplement to minimize the risk of tooth loss,” says the expert.

(read more: These 3 mistakes almost every part of the teeth

brush) Many people suffer from a lack of calcium

in order for the jaw bone remains stable, it requires, in particular, collagen that forms the body, and calcium. “However, more than 90% of the Germans at calcium deficiency ,” says Spanka. Adults have a daily demand of 900 milligrams. Especially much calcium is contained in milk, bananas and Kale.

(read: White teeth – what really

helps) Often the feed is not sufficient on the diet, however. Then, it can be useful, a calcium Supplement to take. Important for strong teeth vitamins C, D and K as well as zinc, copper and Magnesium are also. In particular, they are contained in whole grain products, vegetables, dairy, and fish. Vitamin D, the body from the sun light. For some people, it may be of advantage, in the dark winter months, Vitamin D as a dietary Supplement, take.

vitamins and minerals to strengthen the jaw bone

“The vitamins and minerals ensure that a high quality bone,” says the expert. In order for the body calcium may utilize, must also consent to the magnesium . Ideally, one should take calcium and Magnesium in a ratio of 2 to 1. Vitamin D also ensures that calcium is better absorbed and built into the bones.

Vitamin K has an important function for the teeth, because it inhibits bone resorption, in addition. “Zinc and Vitamin C help in the formation of collagen, which is also needed for bone formation,” says Spanka. Copper also ensures a certain elasticity of the bone.

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a dietary Supplement only after an analysis

Often, not take, you know how good you actually are supplied with nutrients. Before using indiscriminately a dietary Supplement, it is important to be aware of the own Situation. “The exact requirements on the basis of blood, urine or stool tests to determine,” says the expert. You should take dietary supplements never without a previous needs analysis , otherwise it could lead to an Overdose.

The cost of that you are wearing in the rule itself. “The insurance companies cover the cost of an analysis is usually only when symptoms such as fatigue, skin rash, or a weakened jaw bone structure is already on a nutrient deficiency notices,” says Spanka. Some companies now also offer appropriate testing for the home. “Basically, anyone who is interested can find also on the basis of your diet, even how many minerals you eat,” explains the expert. A first orientation can, for example, computers on the Internet Nutritional value to offer.

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The bone removal to be running without symptoms

it Is a bone loss on the jaw bone come, you can’t make this unfortunately simply with a healthy diet to reverse. Unfortunately, the bone loss itself causes no pain. “When patients feel that their teeth are loosening, it is often too late,” says Spanka.

Therefore, it is in addition to the matching of supply with nutrients is so important to take advantage of regular visits to the dentist. In addition, the right oral hygiene , of course, plays a role. “This is a periodontal disease , so an inflammation of the periodontium to avoid,” says the doctor. “It represents another common cause of jaw bone decline.” Among the preventive measures, in addition to use dental floss, to have professional dental cleanings perform and to refrain from Smoking.

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In the case of an unbalanced diet, a bone loss

also threatens a young age Even though usually are more likely to be affected, women after the menopause of bone loss, is this also the case of men, if you have a low testosterone level. “Also who eats at a young age to be one-sided or a chronic periodontal disease is suffering, the jaw bone is attacking, it may be from atrophy of the bone affected,” warns Spanka. (Also of interest: Infectious dental diseases?)

If it should come to be a bone removal, can help the Affected surgery. The jaw bone surgically is rebuilt. “The use of different infill materials, the axes of the jaw bone to firm up and it will come, for example,” says Spanka.

This article was authored by (Maria Berentzen)

*will apply The contribution “Strong teeth: These nutrients as a secret weapon” published by GQ. Contact with the executives here.