taking Advantage of this new space resulting from the crisis, the worlds communicators attempt to create a rupture between those of a world of “before” and the proponents of what would be the “new face” of the relationship Africa-France. Let’s not forget, four years ago, this inversion, which was generous to talk about Africa-France, and never of France-Africa. Honnie, vilified, even hated, wearing a huge inheritance, where only a dull pain fleet to the memory of truncated, this common root that binds us deeply in cultural backgrounds and passions shared.

Rather than focusing on the continuous link, the intelligence of evolution, and to allow everyone to find his place in a history that is sometimes painful, tempers flare for branding, educating trial ephemeral and condemn the ban of the media, those who still dare to wear without shame the wealth of the strong ties our two continents. This walk the day after a break is a concept bathed in contrast and tinted sometimes even hatred – in the bath of ignorance.

For Patrice Fonlladosa, it is important to “focus on the ongoing relationship, the understanding of the evolution and to allow everyone to find his place in a history that is sometimes painful”. © DR

reasons to believe

The Africa(s) have grown and are postage-due, this is happy, because this continent represents a part of the future of humanity, which, no doubt, will take all its light in this century. I hear the cynics, the bougonneurs and the “afro-pessimistic” (which expression fool…) map out all the weaknesses and the vicissitudes mosaic details, and without wanting to open the eyes on the levers factual that is a youth like no other, a capacity for innovation and creation and a great appetite for ” better life “, but also an empowering and increasing the acceleration of the place of civil society in governance mechanisms. The West yields to the modes – nothing new –, but there is much that we to want to divide and oppose the ” old ” and ” new “, not necessarily more adapted and able to understand the present and prepare for the future. This is not even a matter of generation, but rather selection of that tells the truth and says low.

Read also Covid-19 : And during this time, Africa…

Don’t assign to adventurers daffodils

I do not believe in these fables, these deformations from a salad semantics that would like to return one against the other rather than to each transmit to the other. The crisis sends us these images of those who keep their former when other the group together and isolate them. Do not give to adventurers narcissus who would like to kill the “before” be ambassadors of tomorrow dark and their only advantage. Let us cease to want to produce a rupture of the time, before, with, after. The time is continuous, and only our great capacity of adaptation allows us to drag along to the music uninterrupted by the passing of time, from jazz to symphony, from blues, to flamenco, rap, the makossa. Wanting to stand up and cut those who “know” of those who ” are ” or ” were “, is allowed to enter a form of barbarism and disunity, whose only effects will be the impoverishment of the future of our children and the exclusion of soft but certain. The relationship of our two continents is nourished of multiple stakeholders, professional organizations, faith-based, associations of all kinds, and institutions hundreds of years old, charities and private companies, think tanks and donors of multiple funds, investors, entrepreneurs, and startupeurs… The list is rich and long.

Read also : Africa: preparing the tools of peace

Then, cease to oppose, take a breath to accept the immense wealth and seek instead to find ways and means of joint action, of collaborative projects that draw our future. Together.

Read also Patrice Fonlladosa : “We have common challenges”

* Chairman of the Africa Centre d’etude et de Prospective Stratégique (CEPS), former president Africa, Medef International.

writing will advise you

Patrice Fonlladosa : “We have common challenges” Africa : preparing the tools of peace Covid-19 : and meanwhile, in Africa…