we have Just had Breakfast. Actually, there’s only on Saturdays chocolate spread. However, in the crisis, there’s Nudossi on Tuesday. Now we nest tables side by side to two write. He math, I on the Editorial. Joshua beams at me from the page: “dad, you’re a great editor!” He enthusiastically slides: “Could I be your successor? The gaaanzen day on the PC …!“ Hardly in the home office, is directly sawn from the Homeschooling of my chair!

“The Corona Virus is crazy!”, it comes from my son these days is more often. Yes, it goes haywire. For some, it is to tight, much, confusing, tearful, complicated, exhausting. It needs to be talked improvised, tried, wanted, familiar and daring. The Virus is crap, but it is also fertilizer. For New. For Undiscovered. For Forgotten. For Solidarity. For Community. For The Next Love. For ungemachte homework. For Mindfulness.

Shutdown week 1

In a community action, we will liberate a somewhat inhospitable, with ivy overgrown corner of the garden, and dig a 100 litre water tank. While Hiking we found in an almost dried-up puddle of spawning. Countless tadpoles reward us with the life saving and to be celebrated Pets.

Shutdown week 2

About Papa’s Asterix collection pushes the son on standing stones. The chisel attempts in the garden with a nail fail. Papa Google to collect “fossils”. He is confronted with a Lindlar, Bergisches Land. At the hardware store can be purchased for 9 Euro, two chisels in the first place. Three days later, we are as a family on the 6.2 km long stone Hauer path on the road. The Wonderful World Of Nature! Movement! Fresh air! Alone! Here and there we meet the old grey Wacken and wonder-full fossils.

Shutdown week 3

good Friday. The worship flickers via live stream in our living room. In front of us bread and grape juice. The Pastor speaks the words of institution for the sacrament. We reach out to each other in the family gave more. It is for the Kids for the first Time. With great seriousness they are. As the Last of the nine-year-old gets the Cup. He takes a SIP, radiates in the round, and recognised in the balance sheet came on the taste: “Ok, then I drink the Rest!”

week 12

To the home office and Homeschooling the home clinic joined. Meniscus SURGERY. Two weeks after the procedure, I take a small load test. Together with the 9-year-olds for 20 kilometers on a former colliery site. Slowly and carefully I ride pain-free with a ramp to the top. Above the son of man. He beams at me: “daddy, if you can’t today, I push you!”

In the Corona-times is not only cried, but also laughed, played, and “zoomed in”.

This article has been written by Rüdiger Jope

*The post “It’s all bad: a father comes closer while the Corona of his son” is published by Family.de. Contact with the executives here.
