Göttingen: In a high-rise building erupted in Corona. Now, some 600 people will be in a garage tested.

Corona Alarm in Göttingen In the high house is now a test centre for The approximately 600 residents are to be tested, if necessary, dimensions

Göttingen set up in The garage of the Corona*high-rise building on the machine mills in Göttingen is for the Corona-testing center. There the swabs are taken of the approximately 600 inhabitants of the house. A great vision protection at the entrance to the underground car Park prevents the Curious can look in the test center. A note slip of paper next to the door reveals the Background: “The car Park is blocked due to a Corona -testing on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.”

Corona in Göttingen, Germany: high-rise building in sight

+ The police seal off the Corona building in Göttingen, Germany.©Swen Pförtner, dpa

inside the high house -the underground garage in Göttingen are constructed in two larger tents. The actual Corona*instead of find-Tests. The do not need to leave about 600 residents once the system. They come on foot via a staircase directly up to the garage level.

On the floor are glued in the same exact markings so that the test persons are able to comply with the required minimum clearances. In addition, waist-high barriers are in place to facilitate the orientation.

Corona in Göttingen: testing is mandatory in high-rise

Bring the identity card or another document and the health insurance card. This is evident from the Corona*Letter received by the high house -residents of the municipality of Göttingen . If you can’t keep me, because he is on site, must call a phone number.

The city is first of all to test. Should this not be the case, so will also be thinking about the show go to Corona Test . In clear text: The residents could be forced from the city, too.

In the first tent in the high house -the underground garage to be checked, the person alien. Then it goes to walk to the second tent. There, the actual smear is done. Another access, it goes back to the actual building in Göttingen . After about 50 meters walk, everything is done. The residents received for their Tests, an accurate time-of-day. By 15-minute intervals wait times for all are to be avoided.

+ In the Corona-high-rise building in Göttingen is being tested for the Virus.©Swen P förtner, dpa

Corona in Göttingen, Germany: high-rise building Test, the whole weekend

The smears will be taken in the high house on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 10 am to 14 PM. On Friday, it was very Early in the morning to prepare the action.

Corona in Göttingen: After Mass break-out was built in a test centre