It is the starting signal for the summer vacation on the Adriatic coast or the Algarve: The global travel warning for tourists is, at least partly, lifted. The risk for travelers remains.

Berlin (dpa) – The summer holiday by the Mediterranean sea, is rescued After three months at 15. In June, the worldwide travel warning because of the Corona pandemic repealed for the most part, in Europe. The Federal government decided in Berlin on Wednesday.

In the case of two countries, however, there is a delay: For Norway and Spain, the travel warning because of the existing entry lock is to be maintained initially in an upright position. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas hopes, however, that at least the tourist traffic to Spain – the holiday destination number one in the German – and can start again in June.

The German tourism industry welcomed the decision of the Federal government. “So there is now again a piece of planning security and the engine for the resumption of travel can start, because the reboot needs a certain amount of preparation time,” said the President of the travel Association DRV, Norbert Fiebig.

Maas had the travel warning for tourists on the 17. March after the outbreak of the Corona-pandemic for all of the approximately 200 countries in the world an example of very loose step. Up to this point was only warned when a danger to life and limb in war zones before travel – and cancellation free of charge possible.

29 PLUS 2: gradual LIFTING of THE travel warning

For 31 European countries is to be cancelled the travel warning again. The 26 partner countries of Germany in the European Union, especially from the EU leaked the UK and the four countries in the border-free Schengen area, which is not a member of the EU: Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. For 29 countries, the dissolution is effected at 15. June, Spain and Norway later on.

the travel warning is Replaced by the so-called travel notes. It then informed about the country-specific risks. This can also mean that tourist travel is not advised. For example, in the case of the UK, that should be the case, as long as there is still a 14-day mandatory Quarantine for all entering the country is.

“trip information NO trip invitation”

on the Basis of the travel advice every Tourist should decide for himself what he wants to impose on yourself. In short, this means: a holiday on your own risk. Also Maas made it clear that the lifting of the travel warning is not a free ride in the holiday. “Travel warnings are no travel bans and travel warnings are not a travel invitation,” he said. In the fight against the pandemic in Europe had been made great progress. “This positive development, we bear with this decision.”

The Federal government makes it clear in the adoption of key issues paper, that the travel warning may be reactivated for certain countries or regions, if the number of new infections is rising again dramatically. It wants to Orient themselves to the current ceiling of 50 new infections per 100 000 inhabitants within seven days.

this Is exceeded, the Federal government’s “protective measures”. “This includes, for example, can. country – or region-specific travel warnings,” it says in the paper. This is also true for the case when individual States take the necessary measures for infection prevention in the tourism operation. The basis will be the of the EU-Commission-designed guidelines.

NO SECOND return action

The return action for 240 000 German tourists after the outbreak of the Corona pandemic should not be repeated in any case. “A collection of German state pair by the Federal government during a potentially abroad imposed quarantine is excluded”, – stated in the paper.

Italy opened on Wednesday its borders to tourists from the other 26 EU countries, as well as other countries such as the UK, Norway and Switzerland. A quarantine of two weeks is required of you. Spain wants to, according to the current state only as from 1. In July, tourists in a big way enter can. Maas expressed the hope that the country is already a few days earlier on the 21. June could open. Then would be immediately lifted the travel warning.

Left only Norway, according to the Last state of the entry ban of up to 20 would be then. August, wish to maintain. On Friday, the government in Oslo was announced, however, that Danes from the age of 15. June may enter. Now also consider the question of whether it is possible to open the borders for travelers from “some of the other nearby European countries” in the past.

WHAT IS THE summer holiday IN TURKEY?

not Yet, the Federal government has decided, as with countries outside the EU want to deal with it. The Federal government wants to first wait for a for this week’s expected decision by the EU Commission on whether the entry barrier for the so-called third countries will be repealed. Especially the Turkey, one of the most popular vacation countries of the Germans, hopes on tourists from Germany.

A spokesman for the EU Agency said, over the next few steps very intensive” talks with EU member States were running “. On Friday, the EU will advise the Minister of the interior in the case of a video conference about it. The EU Commission may propose an extension of the entry restrictions, in addition to the individual EU-countries need to decide, however.

tour operators are looking forward to receive the growing planning certainty. The travel group Tui wants to start in the second half of June and again towards the South. After a three-month break at the 17. June the first flights to Faro from Düsseldorf and Frankfurt in the flight plan, Mallorca could soon be re-flown. With a special flight plan in July, the most popular sun destinations in Spain, Greece, Portugal and Cyprus regularly controlled. As soon as holidays in Turkey, North Africa and the Cape Verde Islands, will Tui areas, this target also offer.

foreign office travel warning due to the Corona-pandemic

travel analysis 2019