It is the 15th of November 1896 that Charles Only Tchoréré was born in Gabon, then a French colony in Africa-Equatorial française (AEF). His life journey will end at the field of honor, June 7, 1940 to Airaines result of an act of anti-military a soldier of the panzer division of Rommel who could not stand to see this black captain of the French army to claim a treatment officer while his company was lack of ammunition. Also, to kill Charles Did Tchoréré will not be enough. A German tank it will roll over to the grind. Regardless, his honour was safe, and it is well there the essential. In these times of commemoration of the Normandy Landings, a prelude to decisive victories against all the barbarities of which the racism currently at the heart of the news, it should wake up the memory of a man who has done his duty and obligation to defend his honor of a soldier until the end .

Read also Normandy : in the footsteps of the soldiers of the Landing

Do Tchoréré is committed as soon as the Great War

Charles did Not Tchoréré is located in Cameroon at the outbreak of war in 1914. Employee in a company held by the Germans, he returned to his home country, Gabon, a colony of Africa, French Equatorial, to escape possible reprisals. The fighting rages on and drag on. France has need of arms to be valid. It therefore appeals to its “native”. With the agreement of his father, Charles is committed in 1916. At the end of the war, it will be elevated to the rank of sergeant. It was subsequently decided to make a career in the French army. For his first mission, he is sent to Morocco, where a certain Abdel el-Krim and his men took up arms to claim a self-declared Republic. We are in 1919.

also Read “Dead for France” : this COMIC, which questions the massacre of Thiaroye in 1944

It passes by the School officers overseas Fréjus

Upon his return to France, Charles Only Tchoréré integrates the School officers overseas in Fréjus. It leaves major in 1922. Then he leaves again on a mission. Direction of Syria. Charles Only Tchoréré will not have a chance this time. He is seriously injured in the jaw during combat. He was awarded the croix de guerre with silver star for his exemplary courage. Back from his injury, he is assigned in the administration. He writes articles for The Journal of the colonial troops, and a report on the social advancement of the under-officers natives. He then asks for his transfer to the Sudan, where he took command of the company out rank the 2nd regiment of senegalese riflemen to Kati. It runs parallel to a school of pupils of the army. In 1933, Charles Only Tchoréré is named captain. A nice end-of-career perspective on the expected in Senegal at the head of the 1st regiment of senegalese riflemen.

also Read Memory – senegalese Riflemen : a book overturns the clichés

world war ii declared, he returns to metropolis to fight

But when France and Germany go to war in September 1939, he abandons everything and flies to the rescue of the metropolis. It takes the command of the 5th company of the 53rd regiment infantry colonial mixed senegalese. He and his men have the mission to defend the town of Airaines, near Amiens, of the nazi threat, what they are going to do with bravery in spite of the difficulties of communication. A few elements of his troops, the Africans, do not speak French. But Charles Only Tchoréré knows how to galvanize. And when, on June 5, 1940, the Germans began to bombard the town, the battalion does not bend. It is resilient and is standing up to the army of Hitler, who lost eight of his tanks. Sixty Germans are made prisoners.

Unfortunately, the French were short of ammunition. They then try a dip toward the south. To cover their escape, Charles did Not Tchoréré remains to Airaines with a handful of soldiers. After seventy-two hours of fighting, the native of Libreville, gabon, and fifteen of his men surrender their weapons. The Germans are in awe. They were not expecting such resistance, and their surprise is great to have to deal with a captain of the colonies. But contrary to the army regulations, some of them want to separate it from the white officers. Charles Only Tchoréré protests and claims, in German, his status as an officer. A soldier pulls out his gun and killing it coldly, in spite of the protest of the German prisoners who had just been released.

The stele in memory of Charles Don Tchoréré and fighters black Africa, at Airaines, near Amiens. © DR

also Read Story : skirmishers, a living memory

“Our nephews will be proud to be French and be able to lift the head without shame”

Shortly before his death, Charles Did Tchoréré had written to her son, Jean-Baptiste, who will die, also, in combat, a few days before the defeat of the French troops and the armistice of June 1940. He said to him : “My son, I’m here, under the eyes your last letter. As I am proud to find this sentence: “Whatever happens, daddy, I’ll always be ready to defend our dear homeland, France. Thank you, my child, to express myself and these feelings that I honor in you… life, you see, my son, is something expensive. However, to serve his country, even at the peril of his life, must prevail, always !” And to add : “I have an unshakeable faith in the destiny of our dear France. Nothing will succumb and, if it is necessary for it to remain great and proud of our lives, well, that it takes ! At least, later, our young brothers and our nephews will be proud to be French and they will be able to lift the head without shame in thinking of us.” Beyond this quote, it is the history of Africa and France which blends. For honor and freedom. Against the barbarism and racism.

writing will advise you

massive Mobilization against racism through the planet’s History : skirmishers, a living memory-Memory – senegalese Riflemen : a book overturns the cliché “Dead in France” : this COMIC, which questions the massacre of Thiaroye in 1944 Normandy, france : in the footsteps of the soldiers of the Landing