For the past five years, the planned city hall renovation break to the municipal Council arges head: increased From 1.7 to 4.7 million Euro, the costs during the planning phase. Now, the start of construction is delayed, too.

Hallbergmoos –a sword of Damocles: the business depends on tax losses are to be expected for the Corona-crisis. “We can only decide if we know the Figures and the supplementary budget decided. Anything else would be too dangerous,“ underlined FW-group speaker Thomas Henning, with a view to the recent Extra-costs of € 1.3 million. Mayor Harald Reents (CSU) is proved him right: Even if the architects are preparing the tenders, and, in the end, everything with the supplementary budget. In addition, the local Council, so Reents will advise, in his exam next Saturday.

“Disappointed” by the session template Henry Lemer (FW) showed, however: “Here 1700 individual items are listed. That’s not of interest to us here.“ Were shown all of the individual measures for the office extensions and the tag, air-conditioning, electrical installations, accessibility, fire protection, upgrading and conversion of the loading unit for post, social work and Vhs. Far more interesting it would be for him to know which of these measures are based actually on the local Council decisions – and what Packed the municipal administration of “pure” have. Reents underlined that all the list items in the Corona of the time were commissioned by the holiday Committee. Only Andreas Niederreiter from the Department of media technology, he adds personally to the necessary positions.

The price increases were based Essentially on the fact that, to start the plans on the Basis of the cost estimates was, so Niederreiter. The new team of architects was now gone into the Detail. “If you’re an existing building, often come Surprises, therefore,” said the mayor.

CSU-referred to the municipal Council, Christian Krätschmer to the fact that the town hall “was from the beginning, with 1000 defects” subject. Stefan Kronner (SPD) was to be deleted now positions: “The costs will catch up with us at the end again.” Architect David Meuer warned, meanwhile, before that, the city hall remodeling and renovation to further delay: “The project has already seen a couple of breaks. Further delays do not make it cheaper.“

The planned start of construction in October of this year, will be conditional because of the – ultimately-Corona – delayed tender, however, does not hold. The building Committee agreed to the tender documents in the case of a vote against (Henry Lemer). Sent you may be, however, only if the supplementary budget is approved.

Eva Austria

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