there is Hardly a topic of the world currently, so in the breath, such as the Coronavirus. To curb the pandemic in the past weeks and months of hard measures were taken: Many countries have imposed exit restrictions, transactions had to close down and events were cancelled. Its origin is said to have the corona virus in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

About how it all started, and Covid-19 developed for the pandemic, shows the SWR on 15. June a documentary with the title “Inside Wuhan”. The contribution is already considered controversial: like the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” reported, there are doubts as to the independence of the pictures shown. The SWR should be sent no journalists to Wuhan, but the Chinese propaganda authorities have resorted to.

the Chinese “Ministry of propaganda” aims to provide advice in docu

intervened According to the “SZ” is supposed to have worked the “Gebrüder Beetz film production,” which has produced the stripes in the order of the SWR, with the China Intercontinental Communication Center (CICC) together. This was not an unbiased production company, but a Department of the information office of the Chinese state Council.

The “Süddeutsche Zeitung” points out that the office was to 2011 for Internet censorship is responsible. In Chinese, the information office, the CICC will attributed to hot, is it still the “Ministry of propaganda”. Multiple sources have attested to the sheet independently of each other, that the CICC for the SWR-documentary intervened in an Advisory capacity and various versions of the associated manuscript’ve seen.

  • read also: Live-Ticker for the Corona-crisis – Covid-19 News

Neither independent conversation partner from China, even the journalists on the ground

However, the “SZ”-authors find fault with other aspects of the Corona documentation. The responsible editors have researched are not independent conversation partner from China, Interviews with Chinese virologists and Doctors in the January and February came from the propaganda Department. The correspondent of the ARD, ” which may be formally delegated from the NDR and on-site in Beijing to work, were not involved,” – said in the report.

This fact NDR-chief editor Andreas Cichowicz, compared to the “SZ” in order that correspondents were for the current and semi-current reporting. The Bulletin quotes him with the words: “for this reason, were not and are not involved in our two correspondent*indoor in a Studio in Beijing in this SWR project, and also provide no support for the project.”

The SWR stressed in an interview with the “SZ” had been the sensitive material is location aware and have protected themselves with a view to the information thoroughly. “Inside Wuhan,” meet “the claims of independent journalism”.

China is known for its propaganda strategy in connection with Corona

Nevertheless, it is widely known that the Chinese government pandemic tried, with a view to the Corona, to spread certain information and the other to hold back. So, among other things, the “world reported:” at the end of April, Chinese diplomats have contacted local ministries “with the purpose to cause public positive Statements about the Coronavirus-Management of the people’s Republic of China”.

In this context, the foreign media have an important role. The “SZ” quoted Mareike Ohlberg of the think tank German Marshall Fund: “On the Chinese side, the awareness exists that their channels have less credibility. Therefore, they make use of foreign media in their countries.” So apparently, the SWR-documentary about the origin of the Corona pandemic.

The first Time that ARD and ZDF use the Material of the CICC, it is not. Also the documentaries “China from above” and “The colours of China” had come, according to the “SZ” images of the “Communication Center”. The difference: This was by far the unverfänglichere content than the global virus crisis. “The number will continue to rise extremely” as more and more quarantine cases after the restaurant visit FOCUS Online/Wochit “number will continue to rise extremely” as more and more quarantine cases after visit of the restaurant “You are a bastard, you!”: Passers-by to berate anglers to giant fishing bad FOCUS Online/Wochit “You’re a bastard!”: Passers-by to berate anglers to giant-fishing evil
