Since November of 2018, governance CSU and the Free voters in Bavaria together. In the Corona-crisis, the partners will divide more and more. There is a crash this week?

The Corona-crisis has clearly shown who is who in the Bavarian coalition at the helm. The approval, on the CSU-Chef Markus Söder with its Corona-policy pushes the coalition partners Free voters there is little room for own initiatives. Free-voters-Chef Hubert Aiwanger calls for further loosening of the Corona-rules*. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus*. You can also see the latest case numbers in Germany, as a card*. The most Important thing on the subject of there is also on our brand new Facebook page Corona News*.

Munich – at the Latest since the 8. April is in Bavaria’s black-and-orange state government an imbalance in there. On this Sunny Wednesday warm in the middle of the Corona-pandemic CSU Prime Minister Markus Söder in a survey on a whopping 49 percent, and for the first time can been dreaming of for years by the absolute majority. In contrast, the Free voters to decline to 8 per cent. The value can be not only many in the party of Hubert Aiwanger the alarm bells to ring. He also promotes a new strategy to light: The sound is rough, the profile more clearly.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: claims of Free voters than attacks on Söder

Unmistakably the new shows Against and yet with each other in the middle of April, as the Free voters without arrangement calling for the mask of duty and an “immediate adjustment of the Corona-strategy ” for gastronomy and trade – an attack on Söders crisis management*. Only a day later, the masks come, but in the media succeeds in Söder, the introduction of the requirement for the partner to disconnect. Also in the case of the Opening and sports beer garden-easing it runs in a similar, sometimes with the support of the courts.

+ At a distance: It grinds louder and louder between Markus Söders CSU and Hubert Aiwangers Free electorate, both in the garden next to the state Chancellery.©Peter kneffel/dpa

“My understanding of a coalition continues to be that we sort things out behind the Scenes, and jointly represented to the outside. But if the Position of the smaller coalition partner penetrates too little, you can let the duration run“, says Aiwanger in retrospect. However, during Söder is trying in Public to a harmonious image, and ferments it in the CSU. All critics of the Alliance will feel encouraged and wait on a word of Power of the chief.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: announcement of Aiwanger from Söder-Familiar Füracker

so Far the Söder-Familiar and Finance Minister Albert Füracker took over . Per the Interview, he went to Aiwanger: The economy Minister should finally look more to the Corona-emergency assistance for Bavaria’s companies. The shot shows the effect, since you must beat Aiwanger often with questions to the financial assistance around. The “MOP-affair”* comes. The CSU also Aiwangers is seen millions of shopping of, among other things, 90.000 mops and 134.000 cleaning cloths as a proof of his Overload in the crisis. Free voters of the call, in turn, as a proof of the initially vaunted, now no longer existing cooperation on eye-level.

Aiwangers party – above all, the very offensive the previous group Manager Fabian Mehring – can’t stand the fact that their work in the Corona-crisis management is not perceived. Söders “caution”, of course, solidifies: “We had to look at where we stay and to report it to us more clearly the word, not only strategically, but also, because I’m in the Corona-crisis things differently and see how Söder,” says Aiwanger. “I had a lot of Openings like earlier, I didn’t get it.”

Coronavirus-crisis in Bavaria: Free voters ‘ choices are often the first from the media

In truth, he has to get even many, the public image is hard: Söder wrestles with the Chancellor candidacy*, the Aiwanger with mops . If you must leave Söder measure, then to the Partner, but to more liberal approaches such as in North Rhine-Westphalia or Thuringia. Several times a day the Prime Minister stands in front of cameras and national media Interviews. Also this has brought Söder and the CSU best survey results . At the same time Free voters grumble that you know a lot about his decisions from the media.

This week, the crunch in the coalition is unmistakable. The easing requirements of the small Partners to go on unabated. Now group chief Florian Streibl calls for a rapid Opening of the Spas and Wellness areas, in Hotels, because it was in Austria, Yes, and according to one of the mask of duty when shopping, at least in the vicinity of the border to Loosen. Söders course was “extremely strict”, and unequal treatment. Also, the Enter should be facilitated before the corpus Christi . On Tuesday, the next step is to follow. Since the Free voters in front of your 70-page concept, the Lessons to be learnt from the Corona-crisis.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

section list image:©AFP / PETER KNEFFEL